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A/N: hey guys!! just letting you know that this story isn't *exactly* following season two. it's gonna be more spaced out, just because i wanna add in some more drama :))) probably only a few more chapters- trying to decide how to end it. i'm unsure if i'm going to keep going or wait until season three. let me know what you think! enjoy!!! <3

It's been two weeks away. The facility I was being held in wasn't too bad. Everyone here was the same, trying to figure out what was wrong with them. Sure, there were a couple of crazies every now and then. I always imagined myself becoming them, but I knew I wouldn't let myself get that far. I had made a few friends, mostly because we were bunk mates.

Let me give you a recap of what's happened since I got here.

My first day, I was interviewed on why I was entering the facility. I knew that the employees working here had probably heard way worse. But, I still somewhat felt like a lunatic. They were all very kind and listened to what I had to say, and told me that they were going to help me no matter what.

They said they diagnosed me with PTSD (from being held hostage and the events that occurred with my mother/father), Stockholm Syndrome (because of the way I felt about Rafe), and they said I was developing Bipolar (because of all the different feelings I had). I was on medication for all of it, they believed I might have an anxiety disorder mixed with depression. I was all over the place, got it from my momma. Yay.

I definitely was starting to feel better; besides the feeling of loneliness from not seeing my family. The girls I shared a room with all were very friendly and kind, but I usually just sat and listened to their conversations. I would sometimes hop in and talk but I couldn't stop thinking about JJ.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" One of the girls asked one night.

I sat and stared at the wall behind her, thinking of what I should say.

"Yeah. I do."

Yes, I decided to lie. I didn't want to get into that.

"Oooo, what's his name?"


"Okay. Describe him to us. I wanna picture him." They closed their eyes.

"He's beautiful. Long, fluffy blonde hair, bright blue eyes. He loves to surf, fish, drink beer, smoke weed. He's definitely the life of the party. He's outgoing, funny, kind, smart (but not too smart), and very passionate about the things he loves."

"He sounds amazing. I bet he misses you so much."

"Yeah, I bet." I laid down, staring at the ceiling.

That was one of many conversations I had with them about JJ. I talked about my other friends. They were so intrigued with John B.

"He sounds like a main character, and he had a crush on you first! Crazy."

"He's more of my best friend, or my brother."

"And plus, JJ is clearly head over heels in love with you."

"You could say that."

"He definitely is. I've never met him and I know it."

I sighed.

There had been one incident since I moved in. I was showering one night and the lights went out. I had never been more terrified in my life. I felt like I heard something, almost like a voice. A familiar one.

"Rachel, come home to me."

I looked over my shoulder, feeling the suds from the shampoo run down my back.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now