Rafe's hand grazed against mine as we walked out of dinner. He knew just how to treat a girl, I felt like the only girl in the world. Nothing else mattered. Just him and I. Our hands moved back and forth together as we walked. The wind had picked up a bit, causing my dress to lift up. I felt him pick up the pace. We were running through the night. He looked to me with a smile. I had never felt like this before, were we friends or were we more? I'm not sure.

"Cmon." He laughed as we continued to run.

It felt like a movie, it was occurring in slow motion. We arrived at a beach. One I wasn't familiar with. It seemed abandoned. I looked at the waves.

"You know how to surf?" I looked up to him as he dropped my hand.

He started to unbutton his shirt.

"No. I want to learn someday. Maybe we could take a class together." He continues to unbutton his shirt, not breaking eye contact with me. "You wore a suit right?"

"Yeah. Isn't it a little cold for a swim?"


I lifted my dress up, revealing my white bikini. I started to shiver as he dropped his pants. He reached out for my hand again and I grabbed it. We slowly walked out to the water, it slowly creeping up on our toes.

"Rafe, it's freezing."

"Just gotta get used to it, Rach."

Rach? Was this a nickname?

"Whatever. If I freeze to death, it's on you."

"I've got you."

Our bodies were finally submerged, I was still shivering. I felt his body come closer to mine, holding me. It caught me off guard. I smiled against his touch, he was so gentle and kind.

"You okay?" He mumbled, our faces inches apart.

"Yeah, I'm fine."


It was silent for a few moments, which made me feel even more awkward. I was just kicking my legs to stay afloat, while he held me to keep me warm. I just looked away to the moonlight shining down on us.

"You're beautiful."

"I am? Thank you, Rafe."

"Of course."

I turned to face him and saw he was leaning in. I froze, not knowing what to do.

"Rafe, I'm sorry. I can't."

I pushed my body away from him, stepping out of the water. He just stared at me for a bit as I slipped back into my dress.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No. You are perfect. This isn't on you. It's me. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry."

I was upset. Why couldn't I do it? Rafe was a great guy and he cared about me greatly. I just felt stupid.

"I'm gonna go. Okay? Thank you for this. It was so great. I hope we can do it again sometime."

"Rach, wait."

I started walking up the beach. I was looking back to him to make sure he didn't chase me. That was when I stumbled into someone and fell to the ground. The person cursed under their breath. Their hat was laying in the sand next to me. As I lifted my head up, I saw their blonde hair covering their eyes.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now