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TW: rape/sexual assault topics

It had been another night out with the pogues. We all sort of stumbled back to John B's house. His father wasn't home for the night so we were good. I could tell that John B was beyond drunk off his ass as he fell into bed. JJ was shuffling his feet across the floor. Kie and Pope just laid their heads back into the couch. I was mostly fine, just a slight head rush from hitting JJ's pen one to many times. I leaned against the bedroom door frame as JJ fell into the bed. He groaned into his pillow.

"You alright, J?"

"I just know I'm going to regret this in the morning." His hair fell on to the pillow, covering his entire face.

"I think I'm going to head home. I'll see you in the morning?"

His head lifted and he looked over to me. His smile quickly turning to a frown.

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah, I've been gone a lot lately and I don't want my parents to worry. I'll come here bright and early in the morning to take care of you, okay?"

"Just stay here. C'mon, just one night?"

"Where would I sleep?"

He pats the bed beside him. "Right here."

"Maybank, no funny business."

"Is that a yes?" His eyebrows scrunch together.

I sigh, walking closer to him. I set my hand on the bed.

"You heard me."

He smiled and pulled the sheets up over us as I slipped into the bed beside him. He was practically giggling like a little girl. His body was inches from mine as I adjusted myself. I looked up and we both just stared at each other.

"So, uh- what do you normally do around here?"


"JJ, I was making a joke." I felt my face warm up.

"You're blushing. Just admit you like me."

"Nope. I'm not admitting anything. Goodnight."

I turned my body to face away from him. I still felt his breath against my neck as I closed my eyes.

"Fine. Goodnight."

I felt his body shift behind me and I was startled when his arms snaked around me. His body pressed up against mine and I heard him sigh. I just pretended to be asleep because it was slightly comfortable. His touch was so gentle and he made sure I knew I was safe with him.

"You're going to feel a slight pinch."

I was just trying to zone out, not think. I didn't want to be in this position. I never would've thought. A guy who I thought was one of my best friends less than a year ago, doing all of this to me. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the pinch, feeling the tears beginning to form under my closed eyelids.

"You did great." The doctor said.

I opened my eyes to let the tears roll down my face. It had been a whole day full of pain. The doctors scanned every single part of my body and documented every mark. They took hundreds of photos of my bare body, questioned me about every single piece of information I had, and now they're testing me to see if his DNA is in my body. I was exhausted. I was tired, I wanted to go home.

"Thank you for your cooperation, I know how hard this must be. We will call you in a few days with some more information. Go home and rest." I felt the doctors hand on my shoulder as I sat up in the chair.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now