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JJ and I rested on my bed. I stared up at the ceiling, just thinking of everything. Trying my best to come up with a plan so JJ wouldn't come up with a crazy idea that would end up getting him into trouble. He shifted next to me, laying on his side facing me. He was running his fingers through my damp hair, brushing them against the side of my cheek. My hands rested over my chest, where I held his free hand. I felt the coolness of his rings across my upper body. I breathed out and turned to look to him. He just lightly smiled, still running his hand down my face.

"What are you thinking about?"
"You. Only you."

He seriously made me feel as if I was in a movie. None of this at all seemed real. I could've never imagined myself to be in this position right now.

"Nothing about John B and your excellent plan?"

"Not right now. My brain is full of nothing but my affection for you, doll."

"Doll?" I choked on a laugh, sliding my hand into his. I squeezed it tightly, placing my lips up to his hand.

"Sorry, got distracted."

"Do you want to go visit John B? Would that help you?"

"Yeah! You wanna come with me?"

"They're only gonna let one person in to visit him at a time. You can go and talk to him about your plan. I'll wait. But whatever you do, don't do anything stupid."

"Me? Doing stupid things?"

"Absolutely unheard of!" I gasped, sitting up.

He reached over to grab his hat, slipping it on backwards. He tucked some of his hair under it that was in his face and turned back around.

"Well, it's stopped raining. We can take the bike back out."

He nodded and walked out of the room. I walked down the stairs after him, slipping into my shoes and walking outside. I looked over to the Cameron's residence. I hadn't seen anyone there. Only the one run in with Ward at the courthouse and Rafe at John B's. I was hoping that Shoupe had put in my order. I didn't want him anywhere near me, ever.

I heard the bike roar just as JJ pulled out in front of me. He had slipped on shades and had his headphones around his neck. Must've been hiding in my garage. I pulled my legs over the seat and grabbed on to his waist. We drove off into the street. I laid my head on his back and watched the houses we went by. I had recognized a lot from my childhood, some of my old kook friends living there. I just decided to close my eyes for the time being.

The bike stopped and I felt JJ's weight lean to the side. I got up and watched as he kicked up the stand. He placed a toothpick in between his teeth and walked with passion towards the jail. Two cops walked out and he stopped, holding up his hand like he was a saluting soldier.

"J!" I pushed him forward and he held out his middle finger to them as they turned around.

"What? Can't a man have fun?"


He walked into the front door, turning to face me one last time before entering the building.

"I'll be less than 10 minutes. Don't miss me too much, cupcake." He gave me a wink before walking into the building.

I just rolled my eyes, leaning up against the size of the building. I could hear some of the prisoners playing basketball outside. They were yelling and cursing at each other. I decided to see if I could see them, walking over to the other side of the building. I saw about 15 men outside in the courtyard. A smaller group of them were playing basketball. I was watching them for a few minutes until I had realized I knew one of them.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now