The smell of fresh cinnamon rolls filled my nose as I walked into the Cameron's. I smiled, sitting beside Sarah. Her blonde hair rested on her shoulders so nicely. She gave me a big smile back, pushing my shoulder as I nudged against her. Rafe walked by and left his hand on my back for a moment to let me know he was there and acknowledged me. I felt my skin get hot as Ward handed us plates for breakfast.

"Glad you could join us, Rachel. It's a pleasure to have you around." He smiled brightly, wiping his hands on his jeans.

"Thank you, Mr.Cameron. I appreciate it."

"Please, call me Ward. You're practically family."

Family. I had a family here.

It had been almost a month. A month of torture being locked in a room at the Cameron's. A room I once I had stayed in myself before. I had seen it looked untouched since I had last been here over a year ago. I could feel all the memories coming back to me. They let me stay and live here for a while when my parents first starting fighting. I had assumed that they were going to divorce, and they did. My dad left at the first possible point he could, and he never said goodbye.

I had lost so much weight. Rafe wasn't exactly the best hostess. I hadn't had any contact from the outside world. I'm sure everyone thought the worst. They probably thought I was missing or dead. I wondered what had happened with my mother. Rafe had killed her, right in front of me. He didn't even bother trying to save her, he got her right in the head. I remembered the scene that had played over and over in my head. The ringing, the pain in my entire body, the tears rolling down my face, the amount of blood that had stained the car seats. It made my stomach twist and turn.

I wish I could talk to someone. Maybe Kie, Pope. But more than anyone, I wish I could see JJ. Just let him know I was alive. He deserves to know I was okay. I heard the lock on my door click and laid down to pretend I was asleep.

Rafe had claimed he would protect me but everytime I would snarkily talk back, he would hit me. He hasn't in a while but I still had bruises. I had a black eye from a few days ago. He luckily hadn't tried anything worse.

"Good morning, sweetheart." His voice made my body cover in goosebumps.

I pretended to still be sleeping, hoping he would just leave. But I felt his body press up against the bed beside me. He pulled hair from my face and my face flinch at his touch.

"Are you going to pretend to sleep or what?"

I opened my eyes quickly and pulled my body away from him.

"That's quite a shiner." His fingers ran over underneath my eye. "Do you want an ice pack?"

I just nodded as he set down a plate of food for me. This was a first. I felt like I hadn't eaten in days.

"I'll be right back, okay?" He held my chin up to look to him and I moved my eyes to face him.

"Okay." I kept my eyes on his and he smiled.

"Good girl."

I swallowed hard as he dropped my chin and walked back out of the room, locking the door behind him. I had wished someone was here. I didn't think anyone knew where I was. Maybe not even Ward. I took a bite from the toast that was on my nightstand, taking a large drink of what I assumed was water. I was so thirsty. I hadn't seen Rafe in days.

"Rafe, what have you been doing up here all this time? The past month? Are you holding someone hostage in here or some shit?" I heard a voice on other side of the door.

"Oh my god. Please help. Please! It's me, Rachel McDaniels!" I got up and beat on the door, hoping someone would come to my rescue.

"What the hell? Rachel?" It was a males voice, I recognized it.

"Topper? Topper. Please help me. I'm begging you."

"Everyone thinks you're dead. Someone killed your mom, they thought you were taken and presumed you dead just a few days ago."

"How long has it been?" I felt my voice crack. I hadn't exactly been able to keep track. I assumed it had been around a month.

"Summers over. It's been almost 2 months."

My heart shattered.

"Can you please help me? Please. I'll do anything."

I heard the lock click and see Topper in the doorway with a concerned expression on his face. I practically fell into his arms from being weak. I suddenly felt dizzy, like the whole world was spinning.

"Oh my god. Rachel. Hey, what happened? What happened to you?"

"Rafe- Rafe killed my mom. He kidnapped me. He was going to kill me too. He did all this- it was him. He shot JJ. He killed Sheriff Peterkin. Please, please get me out of here." My head was spinning. I was trying to catch my breath.

"Just breathe, okay? Breathe. I'm going to get you out of here, okay?"

I tried to respond but I felt my eyes become heavy, making me sink to the floor.

"Rachel!" I heard his voice call from behind me.

I turned around, feeling my hair fly out of my face and rest on my shoulder. I saw him. He had a bright smile on his face.

"You're beautiful." His hand slipped into mine.

"Thank you. You're looking very dashing yourself, Cameron."

"What's with the cheesy nicknames?"

"Cheesy? I call you by your last name. I only do that with people I enjoy being around."

"Alright. I'll take it." He holds out his other hand as I slip my other hand in it.

He pulls me in close and I listen to the slow beat of the song. I move my feet in unison with his as he spins me around. I felt like I was the only girl in the world. Rafe Cameron might be the one for me.

A/N: HEYYY YALL. i'm already liking this story better than the first. we're going to learn a lot about Rachel's past with her family and her time as a Kook. im so stoked for this and i hope you guys are too! yay!! don't worry, jj and the gang will be back soon :)

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now