I couldn't face Rafe. I had avoided him since JJ. I don't want him to think that I left him for JJ because that wasn't the case. I didn't even know him like that. It was around noon the next day. We had stayed out late the night before, we snoozed off under the tree and woke up right before sunrise. He practically had to carry me back home because of how tired I was. I snuck back in right before my mother's alarm went off. We hadn't been on speaking terms much since the fight with dad. She had hit me across the face so hard that night- that my nose had bled. That was when Rafe took me in for a few days. I would forever thank him for that, but I couldn't see the romantic relationship he was yearning for.

I heard a tap at my window, yawning as I turned to see JJ. His hair all in a mess across his forehead, no cap today. He was wearing a muscle top with some brown shorts and his signature combat boots. He smiled lightly at me as I stood up to open the window.

"Mornin' sunshine. Did you sleep well?"

"I slept like a rock. How about you?"

"I didn't really sleep but it's okay."

"Really? We can do something another day. You should get your rest."

"I'm fine. Plus the pogues are waiting on us."

"The pogues? They gonna take in a kook like me?"

"Don't worry about that. I grant you an honorary pogue." He taps each side of my shoulder through the window.

"Wow! I feel so special!"

"Don't make me take it back."

"Of course, sir."

"Let's go." He holds out his hands to help me out the window.

"Do I really have to sneak through my window in the middle of the day?"

"You asked me to last night. You're telling me I could've just came to your front door?"

"Yeah you could've. But I love seeing you climb up here, you're like a little monkey." I just laughed, closing my window in front of his face.

"You're gonna pay for that." He screamed as I ran down the stairs.

I just kept laughing as I walked out to the front yard and waited for him. He came up from behind me and lifted me up, twirling me around in the air. I kept moving my body to motion for him to let me go but he wouldn't.

"I'm gonna throw up!"

"That's what you deserve."

He finally sat me down and he started to walk down the dirt road. I slowly followed him to a house on the Cut. I wasn't really familiar with any of this side of town, it was run down and not as well taken care of as the Figure Eight. He walks around to the backyard and I see a group of people. 2 boys and a girl. I recognized the girl. She went to my school.

"Rachel?" She said confused, standing up from her seat.

"Hey! Kiara right?"

"Yeah, you can call me Kie. I didn't know JJ was talking about you when he said he made a friend the other night. Nice to finally meet you."

"This is John B. My best friend. And that over there is Pope." JJ points to them as we approach the deck that all were sitting on.

"Hi! Nice to meet you all. I'm Rachel."

"Hello Rachel, you're very beautiful." John B commented.

It threw me off because they all were pretty charming. Especially JJ. Wait, what was I saying?

"Aw thank you. Is this your place?"

"Yeah. It's sort of our hang out. Pops loves having all of us around."

"Nice to meet you Rachel. JJ has not stopped talking about you since the other night." Pope crossed his legs.

"Pope-" JJ made a face, pulling out his juul.

"Oh sorry, shit. Was I not supposed to say anything?"

"What?" I looked back to JJ and then to Pope.

"No, it's nothing. I just told them about how I found you on the beach."

"Ah. Yeah, did he mention how I practically ran over him? And then apologized?"

"He apologized for you running him over?" John B scoffed.

"Sounds nothing like JJ." Kie added, smiling.

JJ took a long drag off his juul and held it out to me.

"Is this the special juice? It's barely noon, J."

"Either take a hit or pass it back, princess."

Everyone's eyes were on me. I took it between my lips and took a long hit, coughing as I blew out. They all just sat back and laughed.

"Come on up here. We've got plenty of seats." John B patted the seat next to him.

"Alright. What are your plans for today?"

"Probably just go out on the water, like we always do." Pope leaned back with his arm resting behind his head.

"Sounds fun! Can I join?"

"Of course. That's why you're here." Kie smiled as JJ handed her the juul.

It was like a circle of some sort. They all seemed cool. John B seemed to take a liking to me. He motioned for me to sit next to him so I did and I kept catching him looking to me, smiling at every joke I cracked. JJ seemed tense so I looked over to him and gave him a reassuring smile. That really brightened his face up and we all talked all afternoon. We all went out to the water and I watched JJ surf. He made it look so easy. I made sure to take pictures of everything. This day was definitely one of the best.

I wished days like this happened more often. They never happen anymore.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now