Blood ran down my nose. Salty tears running down my face. My face stung in pain. I ran out my front door and on to the Cameron's yard. I watched as Rafe escaped from the front door, a concerned look across his face. He ran out to the yard, standing a few feet in front of me.

"Rachel? Hey. What happened? Are you okay?"

I just shook my head as he got closer to me. He wiped his sleeve against my face to stop the blood from dripping down my face.

"My dad wants to get divorced. My mom got so mad. I've never seen her this mad. She just- just."

I couldn't make the words form and leave my mouth. Only my controlled sobs.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here." He pulled my body into his, holding my head against his chest.

The blood continued to run down my face and on to his shirt.

"Rafe, I'm bleeding all over you."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. Come inside and let me help, yeah?" He let out, his hands still holding my face lightly caressing my burnt cheeks.

I nodded as he grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen. He motioned for me to have a seat on the barstool while he went to get a first aid kit. I just sat in the dark, seeing the moon peak out behind the dark clouds. I tried to keep my sobs muffled. I didn't want to wake anyone and I felt as if I was already a burden from being here this late.

He returned a few minutes later with a box of tissues and a first aid kit. He held out the box to me.

"Hold one up to your nose to stop the bleeding. Don't tilt your head back."

I take one and he sets the box down, looking over the rest of my body. I had a few scratches that were bleeding across my arms from trying to block her hits.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I held the tissue to my face, feeling the blood begin to slow. I shook my head.

"That's okay. I'm here when and if you ever want to. No problem."

He wiped my cut which left my skin with a tingling sensation that began to burn.

"I'm sorry. Is it hurting?" His gentle touch against my skin stopped.

"It's okay. Thank you, thank you for everything Rafe."

"Anything for you."


My body was comfortably numb at this point. The amount of abuse I had taken over the past two months made sure of that. I laid back in bed in JJ's arms, his hands running through my hair slowly. I listened to his heart beating that kept me calm and under control. He placed a kiss on the top of my head before turning my face to him. His hand was placed on my chin, letting me look up at him.

"You know I love you, right? I missed you so much." His fingers started tracing down my cheekbones and back down to my chin.

"I know. You remind me about every thirty seconds."

"Are you gonna say it back or are you gonna continue to be difficult?" His grip tightened just a bit, not enough to hurt me but he was in control of me. His face was inches from mine. I could feel his hot breath on my face as he was breathing heavily.

"What are you gonna do if I don't?" I said through my teeth with a giant smile across my face.

"What have I done to you?" He just chuckled, his hand dropping from my chin.

"You're such a tease, J." I moved over the top of him, straddling my legs over his body.

"Woah. What is this?"

"You know what this is." I pressed my lips on to his neck, placing kisses down them. He shuffled underneath my hold, but I put my hand on his chest.

I lifted my face up to his, taking his cap off to reveal his long blonde hair. It fell over his eyes which made me laugh. I could tell he was bothered by what I was doing. I began to place love bites down his neck and to the exposed part of his chest.

"Rachel." He groaned.

"Do you want me to punish you?" I slightly mocked him and he laughed against my chest.

"Don't have to ask me twice." He swapped places with me, pinning me to the bed.

****short (ish) mature scene****

He started moving his lips down my body. My cheeks, my ear, the side of my neck, collarbone, and stopping by my chest. I felt his lips suction, causing me to groan. He wanted to leave his mark on me again. I gripped the sheets with closed fists. I helped him slip out of his muscle tank, letting my hands go to his bare back. I ran my fingers over it, leaving scratch marks. He slipped my tank top off and stopped for a moment to look to my ribs.

"Rachel. Do you want me to stop?" His fingers traced over my fresh bruises, along with the old ones that left scars.

"J- It's okay. It's really okay."

"Can we talk about this? Where have you been? What happened to you?" His hand caressed my cheek, running his thumb over it. I shivered at the coolness of his rings across my face.

"If you want to."

"It's only if you're ready. It obviously didn't go very well." He just kept staring into my eyes.

I had almost forgotten about the black eye I had. I remembered what had happened.

"Rafe! I fucking hate you! You're the worst thing to ever walk into my life! I wish you would just drop dead!"

And that's when he threw his fist into my eye. It hurt a lot less than what you'd think. I look back to JJ and nod my head. He hands me my tank top and I slip back into it. He crosses his legs in front of me, holding my hands in front of his body.

"After my mom drove off, she tried to grab me. She was pulling my hair while she was driving. I was trying to get out but she had the child locks on. I suddenly felt her grip loosen and my ears were ringing. I looked up and she was dead, shot in the head. There was so much blood. Everywhere. The door opened and it was Rafe. He killed my mom in cold blood."

JJ sat quietly, not reacting. What had happened to him? My JJ would be running up and down the house to find his gun to take care of business.

"I heard about John B and Sarah but I couldn't react. I had to play a part so he didn't kill me too. I don't know what happened to him. He didn't used to be like this. He was a sweet guy. He took me in for a while a year ago, right before I became friends with all of you. Something bad happened to him. I think it has something to do with the drugs. But, he held me hostage in the Cameron's house. I was locked in a room for two months and no one knew I was there except him. I don't know if Ward was in on it but I never saw him. Topper found me yesterday and took me to his house after Rafe drugged me. He saved me. Then, when I woke up, I came straight over here. I didn't know you guys thought I was dead. I'm so sorry I put you through all this. You lost your best friend and me all in one day. I can't imagine how much you're hurting." I squeezed his hand, he still looked blankly at me. I wasn't sure what to say.

"I'm so sorry. I should've came looking for you. I can't believe you've been here this whole time. God, I feel like an idiot." His head sinks down.

"No. This isn't on you, or anyone. Only Rafe. Hey, look at me." My grip on his hand loosened so I could hold his face.

I tilted his face up to look at me, seeing the tears rolling down his face. The anger and rage were starting to come out. I could tell through the tears that he wanted to kill everyone who hurt me.

"I'm so sorry, Rach. I'm so so sorry." He said, trying to fight back the tears.

I sat silently just holding him. He fell into my shoulder and laid there for a while. I ran my hands through his hair in hopes that I could calm him down. I tried to erase the thoughts and memories of the past two months away but they kept coming back up to haunt me. It was going to take a long time to get over them.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now