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Many emotions were going through my head, many thoughts rushing through. I had no idea what to say or what to do. My body was on auto-pilot and I couldn't snap back into it.

"Rachel, what's going on?" I heard JJ call from the kitchen, hearing footsteps coming from behind me.

"Rachel, sweetheart. It's me." My dad finally spoke again, but I was still unable to make out any words.

I heard steps behind me stop and I remained frozen.

"Steve?" JJ stepped out in front of me, removing his hat.

"JJ. Nice to see you."

My dad looked dirty, skinny. I was so confused. I was angry, upset, and happy all at the same time. My dad was back.

"Dad? It's really you?" Words escaped my lips, finally. They were squeaky and full of emotion.

"Yes, sweetheart. It's me. I'm so sorry."

I finally fell into his arms and he sunk down into the floor. He pulled me into his chest and I breathed in his scent. I still was so confused. But for now, I just wanted to remain in his hold and forget about everything else. I cried softly into his shirt as he placed his lips on top of my head, brushing my hair with his fingertips.

I pulled out of him, looking over to JJ. I felt sorry for him, having to see this. I had no idea what was about to happen. He just gave me a half smile, staying back.

"Where have you been? Why did you leave? Mom told me you just left and it was my fault. She blamed me for everything. Dad, I-"

"Shhhh. It's okay. It's okay. This was not any of your fault or your doing. Your mother did this."

"Did what?"

"We got into a fight and she attacked me and took me somewhere. She held me captive for several months. She stopped coming and I finally got myself out. I came straight here to see if you were still alive. Your mother did horrible things, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Where is she now?"

I felt as if my lungs had been ripped from my body. I felt completely awful. He had been alive, fighting for his life and I had no idea. He could've died. I thought he just left.

"Dad, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't come looking for you. I should've. But, Mom is dead."

"It's not your fault, honey. What happened?"

"I took a lot of beatings from her so I decided to go live with John B. She didn't like that and decided it was best for us to move off the island and for me to go to private school. She ripped me from John B's and attacked JJ. She was hurting me again and Rafe shot her, he killed her right in front of me."

"Honey, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But, Rafe?"

"Boy, do we have a lot to tell you dad." I looked over to JJ.

I stood up, brushing myself off. I walked into JJ and his arms slid up my back, pulling me into him.

"Something wrong?" He mumbled into my ear.

"No. This just doesn't seem real."

I slid out of his hold and moved to the couch. My dad had moved to the chair, scratching the back of his neck. JJ sat next to me and I felt his hand move close to mine.

"Well, I better start from the beginning. John B's father went missing shortly after you did. He still hasn't returned. His dying wish was to find the Royal Merchant. So, that's what we were going to do. Long story short, we found it and the gold was ours. Ward Cameron took it all away and tried to get it off the island. We tried to stop him, but Rafe shot and almost killed JJ. We were in the hospital for a while. He almost killed me too. When Ward tried to leave with the gold, Peterkin tried to stop him. But Rafe shot and killed her. The blame was then put on to John B. He was a fugitive. Sarah and him tried to escape the island but the hurricane both washed them away for the entire summer. When Rafe killed mom, he took me hostage over the entire summer and he hurt me pretty badly. He beat me and assaulted me. I put in paperwork with Shoupe and they interviewed me as well as took tests and photos of the damage. I'm okay. John B returned and now he's on trial and possibly could be put to death. We have to save him Dad. We can't let him die for something Rafe did."

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry this happened to you. You guys are still here, still standing. That proves how strong you are. Especially you two together. You've practically been through hell and back, and you're still here. I'm so proud of you. We will save John B, and we will give Ward Cameron and his idiot son what they deserve."

I gave him a small smile with a nod of my head. My dad looked to JJ and saw our hands over each other's.

"I see what I assume is a friendly holding of hands occurring?" He was being sarcastic again and I could tell JJ was freaking out.

He moved his hand quickly. I just laughed.

"JJ asked me to be his girlfriend actually."

"Really? And?"

"I said yes." I looked back to him, seeing that he looked like a confused puppy.

"I told you so. Welcome to the family, son."

My father stood up from the chair and JJ shuffled up quickly to stand by him.

"I love your daughter very much and I want to do this right. I want-"

"JJ, boy. You are doing it right. I can tell. I'm glad my daughter has someone like you to take care of her, especially this past few months. I am forever thankful for you." He pulled JJ into a hug and I just watched his facial expression change.

JJ's eyes widened but he quickly sunk into the hug. I stood up and smiled over at them. JJ never really had the chance to have a real family, but that was going to change. I watched as my father looked over to me.

"Get over here."

I felt my smile grow and JJ opened his arms up and let me into their hug. It felt like I was finally home again. This was my family. All back together again.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now