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Pope stared at the house, starstruck by how large it was. The fence was high and had large stakes at the top.

"What are they trying to keep out of this place?" I looked around, seeing the large house that hid behind the fence.

"It's not what they're trying to keep out, it's what they're trying to keep in. Slave quarters are that way." Pope pointed.

"Here goes nothing." JJ opened the gate as we all started to walk towards the door.

"Didn't the note say to come alone?" Kie added.

"Yeah but ain't no way in hell I'm letting you go alone." I felt JJ tense up behind me.

I turned to him and gave him a look, but he continued to huff. We walked up the steps together. Pope reached out and knocked on the door, releasing a loud echo going through the entire house.

"Maybe no one's home?" I scratched the back of my neck after a moment of silence.

The door opened with a creek as Pope went to knock again.

"You must be Pope. You're a day late." A man appeared in the doorway.

"Yes. I'm sorry, sir. My truck broke down on our way here."

"Yeah, we had to go get it fixed overnight. Sorry bout that." JJ crossed his arms.

"She was expecting you yesterday. She's been really upset."

"He's here now. Is she available to talk?" I started to move my toes around in my shoes, anxious for what was to happen.

"Yeah, but only for him. I'm pretty sure she said to come alone, hm?"

"We're kinda a package deal." JJ looked over to Kie and I.

"JJ, it's fine. I'll be fine."

"You guys can wait out here." The man let Pope walk in and shut the door behind them.

"Wait in the car?" Kie twirled a piece of her hair as her hand fell to her side.

"Running. Yes. Let's go." JJ walked down the steps and I slowly followed the two.

I had been wondering what was happening lately between Kie and JJ. Something seemed off and I was worried. Especially after last night. JJ was so upset about everything after looking at her and Pope. I slid into the middle seat as JJ started up the truck. We sat and watched through a window, unable to see much.

"What do you think she has?" I yawned, leaning back into the seat.

"I have no idea. Hopefully, we're not getting scammed here." Kie continued to look out the window.

I saw JJ's gaze over to the house as well. I was trying my best to stay awake and alert but my eyes kept falling.

"Hey. I see him." I heard Kie say.

I opened my eyes and looked over to see Pope with the man and a woman who was walking with canes. He looked scared, almost like he wasn't doing this voluntarily.

"Does that look voluntary?" I kept my eyes to Pope.

"Negative." JJ said, starting up the truck.

"There's an alley out back. Let's go." Kie put on her seatbelt as JJ pulled out of the street and around the block.

We pull into the alley and I hear struggling from behind a wall. I immediately push my way past Kie to get out of the car.

"Rachel! Rachel! Wait!" JJ called from the truck as I started off in a sprint.

I didn't know where I was going or if it was even the right way, but I heard Pope groaning in pain as I turned another corner. That's when I saw him on the ground. The man holding a taser to his side. I threw my leg into him and he fell to the ground. I kicked the taser to someone's feet. I looked up to see JJ, with a not so happy look across his face.

"Let's go."

The man groaned, rolling across the ground. I saw blood falling from his face as I grabbed on to his chest.

"Don't mess with me or my friend ever again. You hear me?" I felt the anger boil up inside me.

I threw my hand into his face and dropped his shirt as I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I struggled but quickly realized it was Pope, pulling me away.

I saw JJ and Kie beginning to jump over the wall. Pope sent me over with a light push and I fell to the ground, thankfully landing upright. I darted for the truck and slammed the door closed as everyone got in. JJ drove off without saying anything. We were driving quickly and going around corners spinning. JJ slammed down on the gas, almost hitting people as the man followed quickly behind.

I got out of the truck as JJ stopped due to the truck going up in smoke again.

"Never trust mechanics." He screamed out.

"Guys, he's got a gun." Kie yelled out.

"Get down, Rachel." I heard JJ's voice get shaky as we started to run.

We ran as fast as we possibly could. Taking crazy turns and going down the alleyway. I heard a familiar voice from behind but I knew I couldn't turn around, not now. I looked back for a quick second to see the man, he was gaining on us.


"Just keep going! Go!"

I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks as the alleyway ended. I saw a cart, one that was powered by a person riding a bike in the front. I looked up, seeing two familiar faces. They looked tired, beaten down, and dirty. But yet, they still began to smile as they saw us. It was John B and Sarah, in the flesh.

"Why'd you stop?" JJ called from down the alley.

"No fucking way." I said.

Everyone else was just silent. I could barely contain myself. I didn't know what to feel. John B and Sarah, they were here. After months of being gone, they were finally home.

"Get in!" John B called, seeing a group of people chasing after them.

"Yeah, yeah!" I get in, beside him as the others pile on the back of the cart.

John B began to pedal but was struggling, now having a whole cart full of teens on the back.

"C'mon!" Pope kept smacking the side of the cart as if it was going to make it go faster.

"I'm trying! I'm trying."

The man was starting to catch up and I felt my foot slip, causing me to fall off. I rolled backwards, watching the cart continue to go without me. I turned around to see the man a few feet away. I started to run, my legs burning from the scratches that the cement gave me.

"Rachel!" JJ jumped off the cart, running to me.

I felt the man getting closer and closer to me, but my legs wanted to give up.

"You've got this! Cmon!" JJ was still running to me.

I finally just started sprinting towards him and he grabbed on to my hand as he ran back to the cart. The man grabbed my shoulder as I threw my body back into the cart.

"Let. Me. Go!" I pushed all of my body weight into him and watched him collapse, rolling backwards down the street.

"Yeah! Woohoo!" I heard John B exclaim in front of me.

I tried to catch my breath, looking to JJ with a small smile across my face. He just looked content that we were okay, but there was definitely still something he was hiding. I was going to have to find out.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now