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JJ had explained to me this master plan that was going to occur at the prison where John B was being held. I was a little nervous for him, and I didn't want anything to go wrong. It couldn't. If JJ got caught, he would probably join John B and his dad would probably kill him.

We laid in the empty bed in my room, his hand running through my hair. I was just focusing on his heart beating with every breath he took. My father was shaken up still, he had went off to take a shower and rest. I couldn't blame him.

"I can't believe my dad is back. It seems so weird."

"It's probably gonna feel weird for a while, he's gotta get used to life again. I'm so happy for you, I know how torn up you were when he left."

"Yeah, it's definitely a good feeling. I just don't want anything to happen, especially with everything that is going on right now."

"I understand that. But, we'll be okay. He'll be okay. I won't let anyone hurt you guys again." His warm lips touched my forehead, pressing a kiss on to it.

"I love you. I feel like I don't say it enough. You've helped me through so much and I will forever be making up for that."

"You don't have to make up for anything. You just being here with me is enough. I love you so much."

A smile appears across my face as he places his lips on mine for a few moments before pulling away.

"I've gotta go. You remember the plan right?"

"Yep, stay with Kie and Pope and wait for further instruction."

"That's my girl."

"Please be safe."

"No promises, cupcake."


I sat in the backseat of Kie's car, just lightly tapping my foot on the ground. I couldn't relax. I didn't know how this was going to work out and apart of me was terrified. Pope and Kie were listening to the light tune of the car radio. I kept turning my head around to see if I saw anything. I couldn't believe that we all approved of this. This was dangerous, he could go back to jail and I knew if that happened, his dad would for sure end him.

"We are seriously allowing him to do this? JJ? The one that gets into trouble on the daily?" I wasn't letting silence get the best of me.

"There's no stopping him sometimes. I don't know what we could do when he only listens to you." Pope turned his hat around.

I sighed, leaning back into the seat. I crossed my legs, but then immediately uncrossed them. I leaned to reach the door handle.

"Where are you going?" Kie looked back, seeing my hand on the door handle.

"I can't sit here and wait. I'm going to keep a closer lookout."

"What? No, he said to stay here."

"I can't do this. I'm sorry. I'm not letting him go down alone."

"Rachel, wait!"

I slammed the door behind them and started to jog, going around the corner. I wasn't waiting. I looked back a few times and they didn't follow me. They knew that they wouldn't be able to get me to come back. I just kept walking, I really wasn't even sure where I was going. 

It was dark outside and I approached the boat ramp, looking out to see the sun slowly disappearing under the ocean. I felt hands go to my neck, and the person turned me around on my heels. They started to lift me up off the ground, my sandals slipping from my feet.

"Just the person I was looking for. You think you can run away from me and get a restraining order without me finding out?" Rafe scoffed against my skin.

"Please, Rafe. I don't want any trouble."

"You went to the cops. I'm assuming you were at John B's the other night?"


"Don't bullshit me." He raised his voice, gripping tighter around my throat.

"Rafe, I- I was."

"I knew it. You're so fucking stupid. Let me guess? You fucked that piece of white trash at his place, huh? Huh?" He grunted against me.

I decided to play along, knowing that if I did, maybe he would let me go.

"Yeah I did, how does that make you feel?" I grit my teeth, sucking.

"You're still mine, my dirty fucking slut." His tongue lifted in his mouth dramatically.

"I don't belong to you, I belong to him."

"Does he make you come? Like the way I do?"

Rafe was never this dirty, never. 

"So what if he does?"

He looked down for a second, with a small chuckle escaping from his lips. He looked up again with a smug smile on his face.

"Wrong answer."

With one swift move, he threw me into a bucket of water. He held my head under the water, causing me to struggle. I was pretty good at holding my breath with all of the surfing I had been doing with JJ and the boys. But, I was still freaking out on the inside. I kept trying to bend my arms up to pull my head out for a few seconds but he kept pushing down harder. I was trying to loosen his grip from my neck but that failed. I pushed my eyes closed tightly, just trying to keep myself calm so I didn't waste my oxygen but I couldn't stop freaking out. I realized that this was all my fault. I should've just stayed in the car.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now