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A few hours had passed since the explosion. A piece of me was waiting for one of them to text me and make sure I'm okay, or to tell me what had happened. But nothing. I turned over in bed, facing the wall. The moon was shining brightly into my room, but I always kept the curtains open just incase someone wanted to come and climb through the window.

I felt a light tap on the window. Speak of the devils. The window creaked open and I watched as the long brown floppy haired boy placed his feet on the ground. Definitely was not expecting John B to show up. I turned around, acting like I had been asleep. It was insanely late for him to be stopping by. I sat up and looked to him, stretching my arms and yawning. I quickly realized he had been crying.

"John B? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Sarah. I- I couldn't."


"My Druthers went up in flames earlier tonight."

"I saw that. Didn't JJ mention I was there?"

He shook his head. "Ward was on board."

I felt my eyes widen as I patted the bed for him to sit next to me.

"What's going on with Sarah? Is she okay?"

"She's shaken up, and I was so starstruck that I didn't react. Honestly, I'm glad he's dead. But, I know I should've done something. She's my everything. I messed up."

"John B, you're being too hard on yourself." I placed my hand on his back and ran circles over it.

"No, I'm an awful boyfriend."

"You're not. I agree with you. I'm glad to hear he's gone. He caused you a lot of pain and he got what he deserved. I wouldn't have known what to do either. Just give her some space, it'll all be alright."

"Thank you, Rach. I really missed you."

I pulled my body into his and held him tightly. "I missed you too, JB."

After a few moments of silence, we pulled away from each other. I held my hands together, fiddling with the ring on my finger.

"So, what were you saying about JJ? You saw the explosion."

"Me and my dad saw and came out to look, JJ turned around and didn't do anything."

"Maybe it was the same thing that happened to me, I froze. He might've froze."

"I'm assuming you heard our argument back at your house."

"Yeah, I heard a bit. What is going on?"

"He thinks that I'm team Rafe or something, like I didn't leave my date with Rafe to be with him. I stopped being friends with him after that and I would never do anything with him after everything he did to me."

"He's a tad insecure and he doesn't want to lose you. He's very protective of all of us, especially you for obvious reasons."

"I know he is. It just really hurt me that he feels that way."

"He'll come around and realize what he said was crazy. He's probably just a little blind right now."

"Yeah, you're right."

I felt a feeling in my stomach, one that wasn't a normal feeling. One that made me nervous, scared.

"Do you want me to fill you in on what happened since you left again?"

"Obviously." I lightly pushed his shoulder, the switch from the more serious conversation to a lesser of one made me laugh.

"Shoupe found the fingerprints on the gun. Rafe had a warrant out for his arrest. They found him earlier this afternoon. He was in jail, he finally was getting what he deserved."

Things were beginning to click in my head. Rafe got arrested, so Ward felt like he had to do something.

"Doesn't it seem fishy that Ward did that?"

"That's exactly why he did it. He went on a whole tangent, claiming that he did it all. Rafe wasn't responsible for the murder of Peterkin, or your mother."

"What about my allegations?"

"I'm not sure what happened with those. You should go in and tell them what happened yesterday."

I felt my chest tighten at the thought of yesterday.

"I will. If it means keeping him in jail, that's what I have to do."

"Popes dad got attacked by that lady that had the tape clearing my name. Pope found this key, something to help us find the gold. We had to meet up with her and trade off for the tape. Your boy, JJ, had a great idea to give her a fake. We hope she doesn't find out before we find it, whatever it is."

"Is be okay?"

"Yeah, a bit shaken up. He'll be alright."

"Man, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you guys."

"You're okay, Rachel. Really."

"My dad came back."

"Wait, what?"

"No one said anything to you?"

He shook his head.

"Turns out my mom made it look like he left in a hurry but she took him somewhere and held him hostage. Since my mom was killed, he escaped and came home."

"Rachel, I'm so glad that he's back. But, what in the hell?"

"I'm still reeling over it. He came home one night when me and JJ were here. It was definitely odd and almost awkward."

"He's been gone for a while."

"Yeah, I feel like it's somewhat my fault."

"It's not any of your fault."

"I know. But I thought he left or was never coming back, but who knows what would've happened if my mom continued to keep him wherever he was."

"You don't have to imagine that. He's here, he's okay."

"God, I'm so glad you're back and okay." I reached out and hugged him again, breathing in deeply.

"Me too."

I heard a light tap on my bedroom door. John B immediately stood up quickly. I couldn't help but snicker at him. My dad wouldn't be mad.

"Rachel? You awake?" I heard his low whisper from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, are you okay? It's late."

"Yeah, someone woke me up."

"I'm sorry, dad. He-"

The door opens slowly and I see the tall, blonde standing in the doorway. He pushed his hair back and looked up from the ground.

"You have two boys trying to sneak into your bedroom?" My dad crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry, Mr. McDaniels." John B held up a hand.

"No problem, son. Please call me Steve. You guys figure this out and get home. It's late."

"Will do, dad. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

The door shuts as JJ walks in, he just sort of floats around my bed. Not saying a word. This was awkward.

After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now