11| Lilith

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Ok, here is the chapter. Again I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday. I had a school thing and just couldn't find the time. Next week's Chapter will be on time for sure. Anyway, as always, please feel free to point out any spelling or grammar mistakes, it really helps. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy, Cya🖤


Monty's Pov -

I really thought that would get 'em, but Y/n was smarter than I thought. Although, it did seem to make 'em a little more competitive. On the outside, they seemed calm, but I saw that spark in their eye.

It went on like this for a while, each of us throwing strange sentences or insults. I couldn't say anythin' too bad 'cause of ma' "kid-friendly day mode" but I still tried. every time I threw out the nickname "doll" they got flustered and it messed 'em up a few times. At some point, I think it just became blatant flirting.

Matt and Vivian just laughed every time one of us managed to fluster or mess the other up. They knew what we were doing and didn't want an insult or two said about their golfing skills.

Towards the end of the game though, I saw somethin' that rattled me.

Y/n had gotten mad 'cause they couldn't get the right angle for their swing. They took the jacket off and threw it at Vivian.

"Oof, the hell was that for?!" She said, raising her voice a little.

"Shush, I got hot and can't get the right angle with it on." Y/n said without even looking at her.

Vivian blinked a few times. "Well, you're the dumbass that wore a jacket in the middle of summer in freaking Utah!!!"

Y/n ignored her and refocused on the swing.

As Y/n went to swing their shirt came down a little. I saw what looked like a scar in the shape of a huge bit mark on their shoulder. Now that I was thinkin' 'bout it, Vivian has one just like it on her calf that I saw last time 'cause she was wearing shorts; and Matt has one on his forearm that I saw when he rolled up his sleeves.

"What the hell happened to these kids," I thought to myself.

It reminded me that Freddy never told me what had happened with Y/n's eyes.

"I'll have t' ask him later" I thought, placing a reminder on my memory chip.

It had been about 45 minutes, give or take, since we started and we were on hole 41. Vivian and Matt's scores were both somewhere in the two-three hundreds. Whereas Me and Y/n's scores had bearly even hit the hundreds.

I knew I had to go in a few, but there was just one problem, me and Y/n........ were tied.

"Alright this is the last hole I can do, gotta get BackStage for checks before the show." I said as Matt took his turn.

Y/n smirked, "Ok, that means this hole is the tiebreaker."

Y/n turned to me and stuck their hand out. "Truce?"

"Truce" I replied, shaking their hand.


Your Pov -

Monty ended up beating you by 1 fucken point.

"I want a rematch at some point!" You said as he walked away.

Doll (Montgomery Gator x Reader) (Hiatus)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu