9| Encounter With The Gator

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I feel kinda bad cuz y'all worked really hard to get this to 10k, but only got to 9.7k..... I'll give you 2 chapters anyway, but you have to wait till tomorrow for the second one. Also, it's my birthday so I'm being generous. After this, I'll be deleting the 10k challenge chapter and making y'all a new challenge. So get ready. Anyway, as always, if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know, it truly helps. Hope you all enjoy this chapter, Cya🖤


Your Pov -

The game of FazerBlast was quick. The kids were easy to beat and the S.T.A.F.F. bots kept getting stuck. The game only took 10 minutes at most, if not less.

Apparently, since you won you got to get a golden FazerBlaster. You dropped off the ones you used for the game and went into the door marked "Winners". When you got into the room, sure as shit, there was a golden FazerBlaster sitting in the center of the room. Viv grabbed it and you left.

After you existed FazerBlast, it was Viv's turn to pick where you were going. You glared her down, you were almost sure of where she was gonna pick, and sure as shit she did. She picked fucken Monty Golf.

She looked at you. "You know, glaring me down wasn't gonna change my answer."

"I know." You said, rolling your eyes.


It was about a 5-minute walk to Monty Golf. When you got there, Viv gave the S.T.A.F.F. Bot the last of your Party Passes so you could get in. Once inside the elevator to the golf course, a recording of Monty's voice came over the speakers welcoming you to his golf course.

After the elevator stopped and you got out, you grabbed golf clubs and balls. You headed for the course and went on a search for the first hole.

You kinda just followed Matt and Viv around cause they knew the place better than you did. There was a lot in Monty Golf, the place was huge.

You tapped Viv's shoulder. "Hey, how many holes are there?"

"Um, I think there's..." She thought about it for a moment. "Um, 43, if I remember correctly.

She looked at Matt, silently asking if she was right, and he nodded.

"Dude this is gonna take all damn day." You wined.

Matt and Viv laughed at you a little and you just rolled your eyes.


It took them almost 10 minutes to find the first hole. You just kinda followed them and didn't really pay attention to your surroundings.

The first hole was easy, it took Viv 3 tries and Matt 2. They got mad when you got a hole-in-one.

"How the hell are you so good at this?!" Viv said, with her jaw dropped almost to the floor

"Um, I don't know, I guess um just a natural at it." You said, shrugging your shoulders.

You moved on to the next hole, then the next, and the next. You were at the 16th hole and the scores were as follows.

Viv: 67
Matt: 71
Me: 28
(A/n I hate doing math)

Viv looked like she was ready to give up and Matt well he didn't seem to care about his score. You kinda felt bad for them. You looked back down at the score sheet just to make sure your math was right and it was.

Doll (Montgomery Gator x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora