18| Sun's accident

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Your Pov -

After leaving Monty in his room to cool down for a bit, you went back to Parts and Services.

When you got there, there was a small pile of S.T.A.F.F. Bots rested up the outside of the Protective Cylinder.

"I wonder who brought them down here? Whatever" you mumbled to yourself.

You rolled your eyes and got to work.


You probably worked on over a dozen S.T.A.F.F. Bots in the span of a few hours. There manual was pretty easy to understand so it wasn't too hard. You didn't even use the Protective Cylinder because it was just easier and faster to do it by hand. The damn machine took forever just to start up anyway.

When you looked at you phone, it was already 10pm. That meant most people were out of the building and that workers were slowly leaving.

You dragged the last of the now fixed S.T.A.F.F. Bots into one corner of the room, so they were out of the way. That was when Vanessa came into Parts and Services.

"Hey, Y/n," She began. "In all the chaos earlier i forgot to give you your security Badge. you kinda need it to get out of the building."

You took the badge from her, the first thing you noticed was the little 8 in the top right corner.

"Hey," you said as the night guard was turning to leave. "What does this little 8 mean?"

"Oh," she said turning to face you. "That's the level of the badge, it will practically get you into any door in the building. anyway, i gotta get going, my patrols start soon."

Vanessa quickly ran to the elevator before you could ask any more questions.

Youjust stood there, confused as all hell. After standing there for a few minutes, you shrugged your shoulders and decided to take your dinner break.


You were just finishing up you sandwich when brian came in looking rather annoyed. That was when you saw the sun looking animatronic over his shoulders in a firemen carry.

You didn't know how he was carrying it, but he was. I mean come on, the damn thing had to weigh close to six, maybe even seven hundred pounds.

"How the hell are you carrying that thing!?" We're the first words to come out of your mouth upon seeing them.

"Ya, you get used to it when you have to do this three to four times a week." He said, setting the sun animatronic down with a thud.

"Ow," it said. "Be gentle, I'm broken remember?"

"Oh shut it, you just cracked your shell and broke a few of your sun-beam-things." Brian retorted.

The two argued like this for a few minutes. They went back and forth and back and fourth. It got annoying after a while.

When you'd had enough, you spoke up. "Enough you two!"

They both looked at you and braced, as if ready to be scolded.

You sighed. "Brian, tell me what happened so I can fix it."

Doll (Montgomery Gator x Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now