27| Codes

951 36 5

Your Pov -

You booted up the computer and went into Monty's coding. You found a file labeled "closing protocols" and figured that was the corrupted file. Upon opening the file, you were face to face with bright purple coding. Now, usually, there coding was the basic green. So, this was unusual. You experimently tried deleting some of the code. But as you did, it just appeared again. You tried this a few more times with different parts of the code, gaining the same result.

You tried a few different things. For instance, trying to delete certain words that seem dangerous to change the coding. That didn't work. Or, rearranging the code. That didn't work either. It just kept fixing itself. No matter what you did, it didn't work.

That is until, you picked out a few words that stuck out in the coding. "Vanny" and "Afton". You got a migraine due to the second word. You ignored it and promised to talk to the kids later.

You started by deleting the word "Vanny" from the coding. To your relief, the words didn't pop back up. You did the same thing to the other word. Same result. Once you were done, the name "Vanny" popped up on the screen and all the other code began deleting itself. After a few seconds the file closed and was gone.

"Aghhhhhhhhh" Monty practically screamed. You looked over and saw him holding his head in his hands. You rushed over to try and see what was wrong.

"Holy shit Monty, are you ok?" You said, putting your hands on either side of his jaw; turning his head toward you, you tried to get a better look at him to make sure he was ok.

"Ya' Doll, I'm fine. This always happens when they delete code. It's just usually we're powered off." Monty sighed before continuing. "But, I refuse to go in that thing unless I absolutely have to." Monty pointed to the Protective Cylinder, looking at it with disgust.

You looked at Monty with sad eyes. "Ok, if you say your fine, I'll trust that you are." You said, just above a whisperer.

You two just sat there like that for a moment, just enjoying each others company as Monty nuzzled in to your hands. That is until you realized how close you two were and that you were sitting between his legs. Your face flushed as you let go of him, slowing standing. Monty quirked an eyebrow at this, before seeing the blush on your face. If He could smirk he would've.

Monty spread his legs further apart. "What, can't handle a little closeness, Doll~" he spoke, in a flirty tone.

You rolled your eyes at him, still blushing. "No, it's just..." You paused. "Ugh, I need to disconnect you." You said, walking over to him again.

You disconnected the wire and put it back in its place in the Protective Cylinder. Monty stood up, looking you over. You were still blushing, but tried to ignore it.

"Come on, let's get you back to your room. It's almost midnight, so I need to get out if here." You said, grabbing his hand and dragging him to his room.


You walked out of Monty's room, the door shutting behind you. You had to use your security pass to get out, cause Brian had already locked there doors for the night.

You made it to the hallway that connected RockStar Row to the main Atrium, when you were pushed against the wall. You head hit the wall and you vision blired. Once your vision cleared, you saw the person that had done it. In front of you, with a knife to your throat, was a lady in a rabbit costume. The costume had big red eyes and the suit itself was an off white color.

"What the fuck?" You said as fear dropped from your voice.

"Hello, Y/n." The lady spoke softly. She pressed her body against yours, preventing you from escaping.

"Who are you? And how the fuck do you know my name?!?" You asked, getting a little more confident.

"Oh, that's a secret, but you can call me V₳₦₦Ɏ." Her voice glitched as she said the name.

It took you a moment to connect the dots. "Y-your the one who put that damn code in the animatronics. Your the reason I almost died! And now your holding me at knife point. Oh this is just rich."

She pressed the knife harder on your neck, leting a few drops of blood fall. You flinched "I would suggest watching your tone. Or I'll just have to cut out you tongue. That wouldn't be very productive though. See, I need you. You know how to work them, they trust you. Help me and maybe I won't kill you."

"Like I'd help you. You won't kill me if you need me so bad." You hissed at her, standing your ground.

"Your right, but I can still threaten you. Because eventually, I won't need you. I only need you to keep him in line. So, watch yourself." She pushed herself away from you. "See you later Y/n dear~"

"Wait-" you said, but she was already skipping down the hallway. Your vision went blurry again, so you had to sit down and close your eyes. When you opened them again, she was gone.

You stood up. You were too tired to question what the hell just happened. All you knew was that your neck was bleeding and that there was some crazy rabbit lady after you.

You ran to one of the bathrooms to stop the bleeding until you could get home. Then you clocked out and went home to get rest for the long day you had tomorrow.


961 words

So, this one's kinda short, but Vanny and the reader have finally met. Tell me what you think if that scene. Until next time 🖤

Doll (Montgomery Gator x Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now