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Origin: Butterfly

Background: These tiny, colorful, winged people like nature and have some similar abilities to other origins

- Natural Fliers: Can fly like creative
- Flower Lover: Gain regeneration I and absorption I when around flowers
- Natural Habitat: Spawn in a Flower Forest
- Flimsy yet Strong: Can wear any armor
- Long fliers: Can fly for 12 Minecraft 'miles' without stopping
- Unsuitable environment: Can sleep during rain, even if daytime
- Liquid Diet: will regain hunger when drinking liquids, water, or flowers**
-Tiny: they are as tall as half a block

**right-click to 'eat' the flower, bushes will separate into seven smaller flowers (roses to poppies, lilacs, along with peonies, will become alliums) sunflowers will not be made into smaller flowers. Flowers consumed on use.

- Fragile: Have three fewer hearts
- Delicate wings: When punched from behind, their colors will fade to a lighter color until they respawn
- Liquid Only: can only eat liquids, flowers, or water
- Quickly hunger: The more blocks you fly (limit 240 blocks horizontal and vertical before having to stop) the hungrier you become
- Predator (active when the Wild Update comes out)!: due to your small size, Frogs will hunt you
- Unsuitable climate: When in a snowy area, this species will gain blindness II
- Insect: When underwater, you drown faster
- Too Heavy!: Due to your small size, you cannot hold a shield

Origin: Ore

Background: Descendants of cave spelunkers, this origin is always diving into caves to find resources!

- Oh, Shiny!: You can see where more rare ores are the closer you are to them
- Like me: You have purple skin and spawn in an Amethyst Geode
- Hardshell: Because you are made of ores, you have the same armor amount as a full thing of gold armor indefinitely
- Don't like: Because you are made of meltable ores, you can see when lava is near, under, or above an ore you are close to
- Used to it: Due to being a natural cave spelunker, permanent Night vision II when in a cave, cavern, or mineshaft
- Good enchanter: You don't need lapis in order to enchant your items
- Blessing: You will shed a random ore when you take damage in a cave***
- Careful miner: With careful observation and mining, every pickaxe you use has Fortune II when you hold it when mining an ore
- Piglin's love: due to being able to shed/being part gold, piglins won't attack you and will randomly throw trades at you

*** The rarer the ore, the less likely that ore is shed

- Too hot!: When in the nether, gain slowness II and mining fatigue I due to melting
- Too bright: when you leave the cave, gain blindness I for 10 seconds for every 30 seconds in a cave (being out of the cave at nighttime doesn't add)
- Looks can be deceiving: due to being part emerald, traders will charge more
- Curse: You cannot shed coal, emerald, or netherite
- Stone crusher: You can only eat variations of stone, deep slate, and amethyst
- To be fair: Each day you can shed one rare ore while more common ores (lapis, iron, and copper) are shed more***

*** Gold is a mixture of rare and common, so when you shed any ores, you have a 0.3%  chance of shedding one raw gold.

Origin: Warden

Background: This origin is as blind as a bat, but is as adept at hearing as one too! Also, watch out if you make them angry!

- Strong boned: Has permanent strength II
- Pure Terror: Mobs don't attack you due to your size
- Not really needed: You have eight more hearts of health, and have six points of armor indefinitely
- Fellow: You spawn in the Deep Dark and other Wardens don't attack you
- Like a mole: You can dig tunnels and 'see' floating objects
- Highlight: you can see the outline of ores, dropoffs, lava, and other deadly things with a white outline when within 10 blocks
- Big lungs: You lose air 50% slower
- Blind Rage: when you target an enemy after losing health, your weapon gains sharpness I

- Batty: you have permanent blindness II
- Soul battery: you must eat (kill) entities to recharge your food
- Large: you are three blocks tall and cannot fit through normal doors
- Heavy: You swim slower when in water
- Can't hold a shield due to your arms being too big

Origin: Gnome

Background: These small forest people always find comfort in the tranquility of leaves and unchanged scenery.

- Wolf Kindred: All wolves (and dogs) you cross will protect you first
- Short: You can fit in one and a half block spaces without crouching
- Farmers: When harvesting crops, gain two times the normal amount
- Natural gatherer: Apples drop more frequently by 25%
- Home: Spawn in a taiga forest
- Armorer: You knew how to make battle armor, tools, shields, and weapons, so gear crafted by your hands gain Unbreaking III**
- Forest nymph: You are best friends with tree nymphs, a random (1 out of 10) step taken will drop a moss block, leaves,  or azalea bushes

- Change: when your original forest isn't replanted in exactly the same way, gain slowness I for 1 minute
- Aquaphobia: Due to your small stature, you cannot swim and will gain poison II and hunger unless in a boat

**Can still be enchanted, but you will never find Unbreaking in an enchantment table

Origin: Axolotl

Background: This cute origin evolved from the small predator to be able to catch and store their food, and are at home with the merlings in the water

- Unique: You get to decide between Pink, Gold, cyan, and Blue for your color
- Lost a limb: when fighting guardians and getting down to two and a half hearts, gain regeneration II and Absorption
- you can fit in one block spaces
- Rain!: you can stay out while it's raining
- Natural Swimmer: gain Night vision I and the dolphin buff when in water
- Corral hunter: locate the closest Coral reef with a compass (name it Coral finder)
- Simple: you don't need to submerge yourself in water to rehydrate your skin

- Dehydration: You cannot leave the water for a long period of time
- Fish diet: You can only eat fish
- Low health: you have five fewer hearts
- Out of water: when out of the water, every ten seconds you become slower
- Bucket: you can be picked up in a bucket (placed on the shoulder), but cannot do anything

I am so sorry for being gone for this long, but I am going to put this book on hiatus so I can focus on the other stories I have.

Having said that, I will see you next time, my hybrid fledglings!

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