Minecraft AU

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I tried to make my own Minecraft skin, but since my skin doesn't have my tails or wings, imaging that they are hidden by my hair... Also, Today was the day that Minecraft 1.17 comes out!

Before everyone asks, I do play Minecraft, yet I don't have or even know how to make a server.

IreneAngel picked away at the wall, searching for the thing she desperately needed. Frowning as her old diamond pick, she checked her inventory which was filled with cobblestone, a compass, cooked pork chops, a bucket of water, Redstone, lapis Lazuli, an enchanted diamond sword, and a few (two) diamonds.

She really needed to go to the nether for netherite and other stuff, but she needed better gear and a golden armor piece. She went back to mining, with an internal sigh. She was currently at level 15, yet she always glanced around, even though the area around her was lit with torches.

She knew that the two diamonds that she had gathered would go to repairing her pick, and she already had a diamond chest plate, but she wanted to make diamond leggings and boots. She had enough gold for a diamond helmet and for trading with the piglings.

With a final swing, she broke the stone in front of her to uncover a cavern filled with lava. She quickly crouched to avoid falling in and pulled out her water bucket to dump it on the lava. She would need obsidian to make a portal later.

Dropping onto the freshly made obsidian after picking up her water she began clearing more of the stone around, every once in a while dumping water over the exposed lava. She made sure to leave a way to get up as she continued searching.

A message suddenly appeared in the chat.

KittenXRay was shot by a skeleton.

IreneAngel typed lol into the chat before continuing, knowing that KeepInventory was on. Upon one stone breaking, she found more diamonds. It was only four, but they helped in her endeavor. One of the rules on this world was that to not give away the last of your supplies unless you had enough to spare. Kitten had only ten diamonds (after making full diamond armor, a diamond sword, and pickaxe), while Irene had only six now.

Irene didn't really like going mining alone, yet she decided to go into the mine alone today, separating from Kitten.

She glanced at her clock, seeing the sun beginning to go down on it. Scrabbling up the staircase as fast as she could with her small diamond haul, she nibbled on a pork chop. As she emerged into the mining house, she stored the cobblestone, lapis, and Redstone into the designated chests, keeping the diamonds on her person. That was another rule, keep the diamonds you find in your house to keep everyone from accidentally (or purposefully) stealing.

Stepping into the night, she watched as a creeper spawned. She ran toward the path leading to her home, lined with lamp posts. Her home was slightly too big for one person, yet she made use of the extra space. IreneAngel spotted Kitten inside of her home, which was still in construction, yet had a ceiling and an overhang to keep spiders out.

Quickly getting into and closing her house's door, Irene typed into the chat You good? to get a reply of only Yep. Let's go to bed and speed up the night.

After sending an affirmative answer and stowing her diamonds, IreneAngel walked and opened a birch door on the second door to reveal a room with two white beds side by side with a window above, two chests, a few lecterns, and some flower pots. She got into the right bed to wait for Kitten to get into her bed.

Today had been a successful, yet ordinary day. Hopefully, tomorrow would be more eventful.

I plan on doing the Opposite AU for my OC, so keep an eye out for it! Having said that, I will see you next time!

Soar high, my hybrid fledglings~!

Written 6/8/2021, also written in the MCSM Ask and Dares book originally.

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