27 | Friday, January 28th

153 3 5

The man in front of me lets out a sigh as I stop his fist.

Deep red is smeared across his black metal fingers.

The Winter Soldier.

He left us.

"Doll, it's okay, let me go."

Kill him.

His eyes widen before I send him flying back into the chamber. He knocks into a few of the others still frozen in place, and they go barreling to the ground.

I stalk through the hall and count.



"Y/N! What are you doing!?" I hear from my left. I glance to the side, seeing a man wearing goggles and a metallic pack on his back.

The Falcon.

"It's..." the Winter Soldier wheezes from the ground. "It's not her."

I reach to him, but my hold is broken when I'm knocked back by some type of pulse. I smack into the wall and spots cloud my vision, but I blink a few times until I see a man in a metal suit raise his other hand.

"Y/N, snap out of it!"

There's a woman to his left and my attention is brought to her glowing red hands.

Iron Man and Wanda Maximoff.

I push to my knees and grab onto them, sending them backwards as hard as I can. They're only airborne a moment before slowing themselves down and dropping to the floor, eyes focused on me.

"Get her unconscious, that should knock her out of it," the Winter Soldier says, pushing himself to stand up.

"Sorry about this," I hear before something hard comes down on my head. I slam onto the floor and groan, needing to spit out the blood that fills my mouth as I lift my head. I grab onto the person and send them through the hallway behind us, hearing a loud crash as I push myself up to focus on the rest of them. They surround me in a semi-circle and drop into defensive stances, ready for an attack.

Iron Man and the one painted black, the War Machine, stand on either side of me. In sync, they raise their hands, but before they can take a shot, I grab onto them and throw them against the wall. The cement cracks on impact and crumbles as I force them into it further.

I notice the Falcon tapping on his arm gauntlet, so I grab onto it, crushing it around his arm before Black Widow raises her arm. As the Falcon lets out a pained cry and drops to his knees, something detonates at my feet, sending me sliding backwards. Anger rips through me and I propel the Falcon into the wall, watching as pieces of metal drop to the ground before grabbing Black Widow's arm and redirecting her explosives towards the others.

As one detonated, Wanda thrusts it towards me and I duck, avoiding being hit but not avoiding the aftershock of it hitting the wall. I'm forced to my hands and knees, but before I have a chance to get my bearings, walls of ear-splitting energy are directed at me from either side. The nauseating pain has me gripping the sides of my head, unable to form a coherent thought as the pressure inside my skull intensifies.

I let out a grunt, reaching out and grabbing onto both metal men, forcing their arms up and flipping them face-first against the wall, thankfully stopping the pain. Someone rushes towards me and when I look forward, I freeze the Winter Soldier mid-sprint.

"You know us. Don't do this—I know how hard it is, but fight it!"

I throw him against the wall and focus back on the two women who watch me warily. I reach out to them but a kick to my back sends me face-first into the ground again. I angrily flip onto my back and see Spider-Man dangling upside down from the ceiling.

Holding On | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now