8 | Saturday, December 25th

250 4 8

I wake up the next morning to Bucky pressing gentle kisses down my neck. I open my eyes and smile as he presses his lips against my shoulder, breath tickling my skin. My hand reaches up to cup his face, and I pull his head back up.

"Merry Christmas," I mumble before pecking him on the lips.

"Merry Christmas."

"I wonder if the kids are up yet..." I ask, pushing myself to sit against the headboard.

"Oh, they definitely are, they went banging on their mom's door about twenty minutes ago," Bucky chuckles.

"Well then we need to get down there, they're gonna want to open their gifts," I say.

"Sarah said they'd wait until 9 to open everything, that way everyone is up."

I look to the nightstand and see it's only 8:32.

"Then we have some time," I smile, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips, "so you can open my gift."

"And you can open mine," he smiles.

"Okay, me first though," I say, pushing off the bed and heading to his dresser. I find the small box and black velvet pouch from the drawer I use, and walk back to the bed.

"You hid it in here? In my dresser?"

I shrug. "I figured you wouldn't find it. I was right," I smirk.

I hand him the silver and black wrapped box, and crawl back onto the bed, sitting on my heels. My fingers fiddle with the pouch in lap as I watch him carefully open the box.

Why am I so nervous?

He gets the paper off and cracks opens the black velvet box before looking at me, a brow raised. He smiles a little and picks up the thin gold ring with a small pale-pink stone.

"Doll, it doesn't really match my style," he chuckles.

"Look at the inscription," I say, biting my lip.

He smiles as he reads it quietly. "I'm yours and you're mine."

"My dad gave my mom that ring when they found out they couldn't have kids. The stone is Morganite, it represents love and healing. He wanted to show her that no matter what, he loved her. That they would make it through and be okay. I got it engraved—"

"And you're giving it to me? Doll, that's—"

"Yes, I'm giving it to you, because no matter what happens with us, what happens in the future, I love you. You've helped me more than anyone else, to heal, to grow. You mean so much to me, and I hope this shows it," I say quietly.

He studies the ring before looking back up to me, eyes glassy. "It's not going to fit me," he says, voice playfully remorseful, and I can't help the chuckle that escapes my lips.

"I know, I thought you could put it with your dog tags... That way we match," I say, opening the pouch and pouring the contents into my hand. It's a wide black band with the same inscription and a tiny Morganite stone that stands out against the dark metal, strung on a golden chain.

He places the ring down and picks up the black band, studying it with a small smile on his face. He meets my eyes, then reaches over and opens the drawer of his nightstand, reaching in and pulling out what I realize are his chain and dog tags. Without the smile leaving his face, he opens his chain to pulls one of the tags off, then unclips my chain and slides it on.

My mouth parts and my heart clenches as he smiles down to it before looking to meet my eyes.

"Now, we'll really match," he says, reaching around my neck and clasping the chain shut.

Holding On | Bucky BarnesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora