23 | Thursday, January 27th

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"I hope you're all feeling better after last night," Fury says in his usual unimpressed drawl. "I am interested to know the details of what happened however, since I was given minimal information last night."

Everyone was a little busy.

"Well, you know Demarcus was the dealer," Bucky says and Fury nods. "From what he told us, he's getting the drugs 'from the source', but he was careful to not say who the source was. He was careful not to say a lot of stuff. We talked for about an hour, trying to pull information, but he was coming back just as hard with his own questions. He seemed to want to vet me as a fighter, make sure I was skilled. Wanted to know my stats, how many fights I've won, even wanted the names of the clubs I fought at for references. He eventually said he wanted us to fight. He made Nat and Wanda stay in the lounge while he brought us to a ring in the back. We went a few rounds, and I guess he noticed I was favoring my right side because he attacked my left and pulled the glove off. Didn't take him long to put the pieces together. On top of his goons, he had security. Probably thirty total plus Demarcus. He was prepared. He... He said he was warned about us. That whoever supplied the drugs said that we might come looking for him... He also knew about Y/N. That she was the one the drugs were tested on. He was going on about the bounty, and... the fact that there are a lot of people who want her," Bucky bites out.

I let out a silent breath

I knew that.

Don't freak out about it now.

"Wanda and Nat took out the guys in the lounge then came and took out the rest of their team. We got out as fast as we could," Bucky adds.

"Well, I have good and bad news. After your meeting, the crew scattered. Good news is, we tagged them and brought a majority of them in. Bad news is, Demarcus is not among them. We're questioning the crew, but they're holding their mouths shut tight. Wanda, I was hoping for another mental session, see if you can find anything in their minds that could be helpful."

"I'll be ready when you need me."

"Good. I'll have a jet pick you up in thirty minutes. The rest of you, be on alert. If we get a location for the supplier, I'm sending you all in. Banner, I want you at the Compound within the hour. Peter, you're on call if we need you."

"Sounds good, Mr. Fury," Peter says excitedly.

"Fury," Tony shakes his head, "Sam got a concussion last night, and Y/N has been having episodes of catatonia, it's not the best idea to send them into a fight right now."

"They'll be anticipating an attack, we need everyone we can get," Fury says.

"I'll go," Sam raises a hand. "I'm feeling fine now."

"You really should have a few days rest... You don't want to mess your brain up," I mutter before looking to the screen. "And I don't think I'm in the headspace to be going in. Last night I was triggered way too easily. I don't want to be the reason the mission fails..."

"You could be the reason the mission is a success," he counters.

"Fury, she's saying no," Bucky says darkly.

"What a luxury," he says sarcastically.

My jaw clenches as I take a breath.

Stay calm.

"If the others for some reason can't handle the mission themselves, I'll go in. But I'm telling you it's in your best interest to bench me right now."

"I'll keep that in mind. Wanda, I'll see you in an hour, everyone else, stay alert."

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