15 | Sunday, January 9th

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I step from the black Aston Martin, dangling the keys off a manicured finger towards a valet who rushed up to the car like a dog to its breakfast. "Tips on the dash, name's Dimitri," I say, not waiting for his response.

I make my way up the stone stairs, my white Louboutin's making satisfying clacks every step I take. The door attendant nods at me and I smile, muttering an 'evening' and walking into the grand foyer of the casino, forcing myself to keep my face blank despite wanting to stare and memorize every inch of the space. It's baroque, with gilded walls and intricate molding along every edge. Light bounces off polished marble floors, and I'm careful not to slip as I walk towards the set of heavy wooden doors on the other side of the foyer.

"Bonjour, Madame, identification s'il te plaît," a guard asks as I reach them. I pop open my clutch and pull my I.D. from inside, handing it over with a small smile. "Très bien, have a good night, Madame Dimitri," the man nods, opening the door.

I walk in to find an open room, bedecked much like the entrance hall, with two desks on either side with attendants at each. The sounds of voices, gentle music, and the tinkling of glasses pour in from the many patrons I can just make out through a large archway on the far wall.

I head to the left, smiling at the grey-haired man dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit. "Bonsoir, Monsieur. My name is Aurora Dimitri, I have a private booth for tonight."

His face immediately brightens at my name and he nods. "Ah yes, Madame Dimitri, bonne vingt-cinquième anniversaire. Will there be anyone joining you this evening?"

I wonder how much money Tony paid for my ticket in.

And how much extra he's tipping.

"Merci, and no, just me tonight."

"D'accord, Madame. Camille," the man calls out, grabbing the attention of a woman a few feet away. "Please show Madame Dimitri to her booth," he says before looking back to me. "There will be a personal attendant at your booth should need anything."

I nod, following the woman through the archway. This is the largest of the game rooms, different card tables set up across the space, with people crowding them and laughing. There are two bars at the end of the room, with a large black door in the middle guarded by a burly-looking man. We turn to the left and ascend a grand rounded staircase that leads to a mezzanine that wraps around the room. We reach the top and I peek over the banister, mentally mapping the room.

"Have you been here before, Madame?"

"No, I haven't," I reply, not taking my eyes off the room.

"This is the main card room, there is Poker, Black Jack, and Baccarat. Through the west wing are Craps, Roulette, and Pai Gow. Through the east wing are the machines. Although, you have been invited to the Black Lounge, so I can imagine you will be spending most of your time there. The entrance is in the main card room, between the bars."

We reach the end of the mezzanine and turn to the right. "Here is your booth," Camille says, gesturing to the third door on the right where a young man in a black uniform greets us.

"Good evening. Please input your passcode," he says, stepping back from the door.

I nod and punch in 1917 before a little green light turns on, then push the door open and look around the booth. The 'booth', is actually a room, with a couch, a few chairs, a glass table, and a restroom on the left. The far end of the room is open to the casino below, only separated by an elaborate gold railing. I look around the room as if inspecting. "This will do," I say before turning to the attendant. "Scotch, neat."

He nods, and him and Camille leave.

"You've really got the entitled rich lady act down, don't you?" I hear Steve chuckle through my earpiece.

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