5 | Wednesday, December 22nd

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I push up from the bed and smile at the man still passed out under the covers.

I'm yours and you're mine.

My heart squeezes and I slip into the bathroom, brushing my teeth before jumping into his shower, happily using his shampoo and body wash. I wrap a white towel around me and when I head back into the room, Bucky's sitting up on the bed, scrolling on his phone.

"Hmm you're up earlier than you usually are," I tease, plopping onto the bed beside his legs.

"I slept well," he smiles, pecking me on the lips.

"That makes two of us," I whisper before pushing to my feet. "I'm going to get dressed, I'll meet you downstairs in like 20?"

"Sounds good. Love you, doll."

"I love you too," I smile, leaning down again to press a kiss to his nose and turning around. I head out the door but have to take a step back as Wanda appears out of nowhere.

Well, she probably came from her room, but I didn't see her.

"Morning," she says before looking down to my towel, to the door, then back to my eyes.

"Morning," I smile a little, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

She raises her eyebrow and smirks. "Good sleep?" she asks, not waiting for an answer before heading down the stairs.

"Mhmm," I mumble, pulling my lips between my teeth and scurrying across to my room. I push open my door and slip in quickly, not wanting any more run-ins with anyone.

No one heard us right?

I'm pretty sure the walls are like, enforced so you can't hear between them.

But oh my God, what if someone heard us?

My cheeks burn the entire time I get changed into a pair of dark wash jeans and a black knit sweater. After wrapping a black and gold belt around my hips, I check the mirror, immediately running to the bathroom to slap a little foundation to cover the blush that won't seem to leave my cheeks. I run my fingers through my hair and eventually decide to just pull it out of my face rather than style it now.

I'm getting ready at the hotel anyway; I just need to be dressed nicely enough for a few errands and organizing before the gala.

I head out of my room and downstairs, heading into the kitchen seeing Wanda, Vis, and Steve at the island while Sam pours batter into a pan. "Morning y'all," I greet, heading to the coffee pot and pouring myself a mug. I reach into the fridge for the milk when music starts playing over the speaker above us.

"It's your birthday, so I know you want to ride out."

Oh my God, no.

I turn and look between the four of them wide-eyed. Steve looks confused, but Wanda tries to hold back a smile.

"Wait, wait, let me just," Sam says, reaching down to his phone. The song fast forwards a bit and I'm mortified as the speakers blast;

"Don't need candles or cake; just need your body to make your; birthday sex; birthday sex."

"You—turn it off. Oh my God," I shout, bee-lining for his phone and pausing the song.

"So you did sleep with Bucky!" Wanda squeals with a smile, leaning forward on her elbows.

"She always sleeps with Bucky," Vis says obviously. Steve coughs a little and Vision looks between Wanda and Steve, synthetic brows knit together. "Oh! Oh." Vision nods, eyes wide. "I didn't hear anything," he says, a confused look still on his face.

Holding On | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now