14 | Saturday, January 8th

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"What I have for you are better than the photostatic veils S.H.I.E.L.D. uses," Tony mumbles, leading us through the lab. We drove into the city this morning to gather everything we'll need for tomorrow.

We're leaving via jet in the morning, landing at a private airport where Tony has assured us will be ready with three cars to take us to three different hotels before we leave for the casino.

They're definitely being thorough.

"What's the difference?" Bucky grumbles as we stop at Tony's desk.

He's been in an off mood since the meeting last night, and despite trying to reassure him, he's still worried about me going. He told me over and over that it's not me he's worried about—he trusts I can take care of myself, but he's worried about O'Conner and all the little things that could go wrong. And he's not too hot on the idea of me getting cozy with another guy, but he's promised to try his best to not act the jealous boyfriend.

I can't say I'd feel any different if the roles were reversed, so I appreciate him not going all 'alpha territorial' on me.

Cause that wouldn't work out well for him.

"These can be formed to anywhere on the body, meaning Barnes, you'll have a non-metal looking hand for the evening," Tony explains, snapping my attention back to the lab. Tony hands him an almost transparent face-mask-looking thing, as well as a glove made of the same material, then hands the rest of us masks and gestures for us to put them on. "Unlike the veils, you don't need the DNA of whoever you're trying to look like—you just choose the features you want. Kinda like the Sims."

"And these won't set off the metal detector?" Nat asks, mask reacting as her fingers smooth it over.

I slide mine on, its weightlessness confusing my brain.

It barely feels like there's anything there...

Tony shakes his head and swipes the screen, moving the digital sliders up and down. Nat's features change randomly until he settles on a design, before switching to Steve's, then Bucky's, then mine. Everyone looks familiar, but unlike themselves. It will be strange remembering what they look like.

I turn to my left and see Bucky examining his hand. "Weird to see it like that?" I ask taking it in my own.

"Little bit. Especially when you do that," he nods to my fingers running over his.

I smile a little, tracing shapes on his palm.

"Y/N, can I talk to you real quick?" Tony asks, hands in his pockets.

I drop Bucky's hand and nod, pulling the mask off my face and placing it gently on a table. Tony walks past his desk and leans against the wall a few feet away, arms crossing over his chest as he watches me. I move towards him, noticing the others making themselves scarce on the other side of the lab. I lean against the wall a few feet to his right, only a framed painting of what looks like a circus elephant between us.

We're both silent, but I feel a coil of anger getting tighter and tighter in my stomach. "Why did you say that?" I whisper harshly.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Because—"

"You said it in front of everyone. I... I don't want them to think I'm..."

"Struggling?" he asks, turning to look at me. I remain quiet, eyes trained on my desk across the lab. "You have no experience going on missions, especially ones like this. You've only just got back, you want to throw yourself into a high stress and dangerous situation, and I seem to be the only one thinking that's a stupid decision."

Holding On | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now