And So It Begins And Ends

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(This chapter is going to be short and brief because I can't come up with details rn)

A few days later

Today was the day the would launch their attack. Courtney couldn't help but feel unsettled as her "army" made their way to the attack site

Courtney and Alcina had worked non stop to make a hopefully successful plan. Courtney stood at the front of the group once they reached Miranda's quarters.

"MIRANDA!" Courtney yelled, "Come out from wherever the hell you are and fight us!" She loaded her rifle with a special type of ammo made by Heisenberg.

All of a sudden Mother Miranda herself appeared from the ground, "What are you doing?!" She voice was sharp and angry.

"It's simple." Alcina said letting out her long claws, "We are going to kill you,"

And so the battle began.

With Alcina's strength, Karl's machinery, Donna's deadly dolls, and Moreau's toxic substances they fought.

They fought hard.

Despite how tired they all were.

They wanted Miranda dead.

They wanted to be free of the imprisonment they endured.

They put all their strength into the battle.

They would win.

It wasn't a matter of questioning.

It was a fact.

Miranda would die.

They all would be free.

Miranda fell to knees, clearly on the brink of death. All the lords gathered behind Courtney as she looked a Miranda.

"You destroyed all of their lives for your own selfishness. You thought you could have the entire world to yourself. You were wrong. You didn't know that your own creations would turn against you,"

"It's all your fault that I couldn't have my dreams!" Miranda spat, "You brainwashed them!"

"No, I informed them on the shit you were forcing them to do. That you didn't care one bit about them!"

Miranda gave a truly evil smile, "You're right, I never cared about those assholes,"

Courtney raised her gun and pointed it to Miranda's head before pulling the trigger.

She was dead.

All of a sudden everything around them changed. The dreary area that Miranda had lived had been replaced with beautiful greenery.

The manor that used to stand there collapsed and faded into dust.

Miranda began to fade too. Right before she could turn completely to dust Courtney grabbed a sample of the cadou. For Donna and Angie.

The true miracle began to happen. Moreau's ugly figure melted into a nice, well-looking man.

The metal that surrounded Heisenberg fell to the ground.

Angie fell and so did Donna's other dolls. Whatever was hidden behind her veil also disappeared. She was left with a beautiful face.

Donna cradled Angie in her arms, she didn't worry, she knew Courtney would keep her promise.

And Alcina, Alcina Dimitrescu, began to transform from an almost 10 foot tall woman to a normally sized woman. She was beautiful. Long wait wavy black hair, pale skin, beautiful black eyes.

Courtney looked at everyone and smiled. She had accomplished what she had wanted to do for months.

I know that Alcina was in her 40s when she was became whatever the hell it was, but for the sake of the sorry she's going to looks more like Courtney's age.

Vampire and "Mortal"- Lady Dimitrescu X Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now