Dimitrescu Daughters

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3rd Person POV-

Courtney looked at the letter, Alcina's daughters. They couldn't be to bad after the accident from the other day. Well after Alcina told them to leave Courtney alone.

'Alcina was super friendly to me,' Courtney thought as she roamed the castle just for something to do.

The castle was pretty massive so looking around it would be pretty beneficial.

She started walking around the halls, this place was very fancy.

Courtney heard behind her, the same sound she heard the other day. One of the sisters was here.

"Hellooo Courtney," One greeted. It was Bela.

She turned around to greet the sister, for once blood wasn't smeared around her mouth, "Hey Bela," Sje answered.

"Y'know Mother was talking to us how you aren't a full human but a half immortal soo, how does it feel?" Bela asked as she caught up with Courtney's walking.

"Erm.. I don't really know.. I feel like I'm just a normal being," Courtney sighed.

"So you haven't found out what your little secret power thing is other than being alive forever?"

"No.. I haven't,"

"Aw that's sad. Mother show'd me something about a half immortal being able to teleport," Bela hummed.

"Oh, that pretty cool,"

"Yeah, Anywho Mother kept getting after Cassandra and I telling us not to mess with you, she had an extra long talk with Daniela!" Bela chuckled slightly, "But I wasn't even going to lay a hand on you, someone as special as you.. I could honestly never,"

Courtney gave a slight smile, "Thanks Bela,"

"It's really no issue but the main reason I came over here was to help you find your little power," Bela announced.

"Really?" Courtney questioned, she already liked Bela.

"Yeah.. it's a bit to cold to go outside so let's go to my chambers!" Bela grabbed Courtney's arm and a small swarm of flies surrounded them. Soon they were in Bela's room.

"Wait- How did you do that?" Courtney asked in complete awe.

"It's just some powers that the cadou gave me and my sisters," Bela informed as she started looking around her room, "Y'know I think you'll like Cassandra, Mother says that she is the quieter and the most sane out of all of us. Daniela.. as you saw, she is the craziest and most bloodthirsty and the youngest,"

Courtney nodded in reply, she already started to feel as if she was with Alcina and her daughters for years even though this was her first day.

"Hey, how'd you loose those two fingers?" Bela questioned as she looked done at Courtney's right hand.

"Oh, a lycan but them off the first day of the attack," Courtney replied as she looked at her bandaged hand.

"Hm so you really are one of them," Bela observed.

Courtney rose an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" She asked.

Bela began walking around her room, "Anyone, well any human who gets bit by the Lycans turns into one,"

Courtney nodded, "Oh ok,"

"Ah ha!" Bela gave a small cheer as she picked something up.

"What is it?"

Vampire and "Mortal"- Lady Dimitrescu X Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now