Harrowing Truth

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   "What do you have to say darling? Trust me, I won't get upset with you," Alcina said softly, going to sit down on one of her massive couches.

Courtney sighed before beginning her speech, "When I left I met and spoke with the other three lords. I needed confirmation that your- obsession with Miranda isn't good. I've found out that she is planning on using one of the four of you as vessels to revive her dead daughter. That Miranda doesn't give a damn about any of you. That's why I need you to let her go. We need to stop her. I need you with me. Miss Beneviento, Lord Heisenberg, and  Moreau need you to help take her down,"

Courtney held her breathe as she watch her dear lover go over her words," My love I- I don't know about this. Are you sure? Mother Miranda she- she is," The Lady stopped speaking for a moment before speaking again, "You're right" Her voice a mere whisper.

Letting go of the breathe that she had been holding she looked up at Alcina, "So you will help us take her down?"

"Yes," Alcina breathed, "Yes, we have to,"

"Good. Then we have to prepare. We all know that she won't be an easy target. None of us can expect what the outcome of this will be," Courtney said quietly.

"Well then," Alcina said standing up from her chair and bending down towards Courtney, "You should have this with you," Courtney watched as the lady took her large hand and grabbed Courtney's. She watched as her lover slipped a band on her finger.

Courtney lifted her hand and inspected her ring. It had a silver base, a pattern of black surrounded the other parts of the ring, and on the top a rose beautifully carved of some sort of material in the most beautiful shade of red there was.

"Is this-" Courtney didn't even get to finished as Alcina nodded and pulled her into a tight hug.

"We might not be able to spend much longer with each other, as I know how powerful Miranda is,"

Courtney's eyes welled up with tears, once they launched their attack on Miranda ghee was a small possibility that they would all survive and win.

"Im sorry Alcina I really wish that I could cherish this moment longer with you but I need to go and warn the others about our other upcoming attack," Courtney explained as she still admired the ring that Alcina had gifted her.

"I understand but please head up to your room.  My daughters have gotten you a new pair of clothing. One I hope will be helpful out there in the world," The Lady explained. Courtney nodded and went up to her room.

There she found an outfit fit for battle and potentially stealth to hide from Lycans during the night.

Smiling, Courtney put on the outfit. As she was about ready to head out she noticed something behind her door. Taking a closer clook she realized that it was a bow. An extremely high-tech bow. It would be a very good advantage to have this. Slinging the bow and a quiver of arrows of her back she thought  she was ready to leave the castle.

Before she actually left she remembered the gifts that she had purchased for Alcina and her daughters. Fishing  them out of her coat pocket, Courtney went downstairs and place the gifts on the counter writing a note to clarify which gift was whose. Though she was sure that it was obvious.

Courtney exited the castle. Night was on the way. She needed to hurry.

Courtney decided of visiting Heisenberg first since he would be the easiest to persuade into battle. Next would be Moreau, she knew that he wanted to take revenge on Miranda for what she did to him. Coin believe that under that mutant skin he was a decent human being. Last of al would be Donna. It would most definitely take s log to get her into s fight, Courtney know it was possible despite how shy she was.

Courtney was ready to start her journey into a new battle. Not against the Lycans, but against some crazy bitch trying to revive her dead daughter. And she want going to turn back.

Vampire and "Mortal"- Lady Dimitrescu X Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now