Another Human

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    Courtney turned around to face Daniela, "Oh Mother will like this! A fresh meal!" Daniela smirked.

Courtney let out a yelp as Daniela dug her blade into her shoulder.

"Come on now," Daniela chuckled darkly as she began dragging Courtney across the castle.

All Courtney saw was a mix of flies and flying across halls, "Mm man blood," She faintly heard Bela chuckle.

"Ooh~ two mortals caught in one day!" Daniela chuckled as she dragged Courtney to the room where her two sisters were.

There was a man who had a blade similar to the one on Courtney's arm in his leg, "Let's bring our prey to Mother shall we?" Bela crooned before dragging the man with Courtney behind.

The three daughters were all laughing as they entered their Mother's room, "Mother we benign you fresh prey," One of the daughters called out.

"Oh daughters, you are so kind to me- oh. A man and another human fool, looking for your escape I do so presume," Lady Dimitrescu chuckled.

"What the hell do you want?" The man snarled.

"Oh it had been quiet a while since I've eaten a man so why not enjoy?" Lady Dimitrescu crooned.

"What about the girl, Mother?" Cassandra asked.

"She will come with me, do whatever you want with the man, I do not care," The Lady said as she grabbed Courtney's arm and ripped out the blade.

Courtney grunted with pain as she was being dragged around once again, she could already hear the other man's screams.

Lady Dimitrescu brought Courtney to a room that had two couches and a coffee table.

The Lady pushed her onto once of the couches, "Wait here, don't even try to move," She commanded.

Courtney sat completely still, not giving a damn about that wide open shoulder wound. Moving might cost her her life.

Dimitrescu came back with a bottle of healing luau and some bandages, "Hold still girl, this will indeed sting," She warned as she opened up the bottle and poured some into the piece of cloth.

Courtney braced herself as the Lady poured the liquid on the open wound. It stung worse than the neck hand hand combined.

After Dimitrescu was done pouring the liquid she grabbed the bandage and tightly wrapped it around Courtney's shoulder.

After she was finished she set the bottle on the table next to the couch she was going to now sit in.

"Now girl, who are you?" Lady Dimitrescu asked as she crossed her legs on the couch.

Courtney rolled her shoulder, "C-Courtney Wheatley," She managed to spit out.

"Hm, What are you doing here Courtney?" The Lady asked another question.

"I- it was by accident.. the storm- it got me lost," Courtney stuttered helplessly.

Alcina rose an eyebrow, "How did the storm," A huge crack of thunder shook the castle, "get you lost and end up at my castle?"

"I- jumped over a gate where I came from then I though the gate to your castle was the same one after I got lost," She was starting to get ahold of herself.

"You must've find out that this wasn't your correct destination hm? So why did you enter the castle?"

"I thought there might be an exit through here,"

"Ah, smart one human, you are correct, there is  an exit that leads to another part of the village from my castle," Alcina chuckled.

Courtney could still hear the horrendous screams of the man in the Lady's chambers, "Why aren't you doing to me what your daughters are doing to that man?" The question shot out of her without any thought.

"You have value girl, I see it. I want to keep you here. Safe," Lady Dimitrescu stated.

"Aren't you bloodthirsty creatures though? Wont you have kill me?" Questions kept shooting out of Courtney's moth left and right.

"Ah, if you show importance my daughters will be commanded to not kill you," Alcina hummed.

"Oh and if you were wondering why I saw that you had value.. I smelt your blood dearest. You aren't truly human. So please come stay with me at House Dimitrescu,"

Courtney froze. She wasn't human? Then what was she?

Vampire and "Mortal"- Lady Dimitrescu X Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now