Gathering Forces

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  Stepping back outside Courtney felt some sort of freedom. Not that she didn't feel free before, maybe it was that she was going to feel her lover from the bitches wrath.

Taking a quick glance at her ring, Courtney grabbed her rifle and went back out to Heisenberg's Factory.

The outfit that she was gifted by the Dimitrescu sisters worked extremely well. Since night had fallen Courtney had decided to hide in the tall grasses and jump from tree to tree. Absolutely no Lycans bothered her.

Reaching Heisenberg's Factory felt wrong for some reason. Courtney appeared out of the tall grass and walked to the factory door. Now it was quieter than when she first came.

She pounded three times on door. After waiting a few minutes Courtney felt compelled to give up. She was just about to turn away when Heisenberg opened the door.

He looked an utter mess. He seemed like he'd been working countless days x with no rest, despite the fact the Courtney had visited him the day before.

"Ah it's you again," Heisenberg groaned and went to slam the door.

Almost instinctively Courtney used her powers to keep the door open, "Wait just a moment please. This is extremely urgent!" Courtney begged.

Rolling his eyes Heisenberg decided to listen to what Courtney had to say.

"I- We need you to help us. We need forces to take down Miranda. I was really hoping that you'd be willing to-" Courtney didn't even get to finish speaking when Heisenberg spoke up.

"If it has anything to do with getting rid of that Miranda bitch I'm in," He said.

Courtney smiled, "Thank you,"

As she turned around to make her leave over to Salvatore's swampy area Heisenberg asked a question, "I don't even know who you are, yet you have some supernatural ability like me and you want Miranda dead,"

Courtney looked at him dead in the eyes, searching for the right answer. It never came.
"Where I came from, what I am and what I'm doing right now is not of your business. All I came here was to get your alliance. That is what I got so now I'm going to take my leave,"

Courtney left without another word. She did feel bad for not answering, but she was planning war.

Her next stop was going to be Moreau. She figured him to be a 50/50 for against Miranda. Something told her that he'd agree. What really concerned Courtney was whether she could get Donna in on the action. Angie would  definitely agree to fight.

Courtney easily made her way over to Moreau's little hideout. She called out to him. Unsurprisingly he came. Last time she visited he had truly adored her.

Courtney looked at Moreau, figuring out how to properly word what she was about to say.

"I know that the situation you are in isn't ideal at all. I want to help change that, but it's going to come at a great cost for you,"  Courtney began slowly.

Moraeu's face lit up at the fact of getting a better life, "What is the cost?" He asked.

"Miranda has to go. For good,"

Moreau's face darkened, "No. I cannot do that," He said.

"She is the reason why you are like this," Courtney said, trying to convince him in the slightest, "She doesn't love or care about you at all. She is only using you to recreate her dead daughter. She doesn't give a damn about any of the lords," Courtney looked at Moreau hoping to change his mind.

Moreau looked at the ground, "You want me to kill Mother Miranda. I know you wouldn't lie about those nasty things. I- I will go with you miss," Moreau said weakly.

Courtney couldn't help but smile. So far things were going exceptionally well, "Now Moreau, I want you stay here and prepare. This isn't going to be a simple battle "

Moreau nodded as Courtney took her leave.

Next was Donna Beneviento and Angie. This would definitely be the hardest Lord to convince. Even Moreau had showed some difficulty.

Donna was extremely stubborn, Courtney could only hope for the best as she left to Beneviento Manor.

Vampire and "Mortal"- Lady Dimitrescu X Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now