Stormy Night

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I looked around, the rain made it hard for me to see where the Lycans were, but I knew that my village was swarming with the fuckers.

I heard a horrendous roar and was tackled down to the ground by one of the wolf looking creatures.

"Shit," I gasped out as I finally shot the monster.

I got up from the ground as I looked at the Lycan . Horrible looking things.

"Damnit why did I ever decide to stay at this damned village?" I asked myself.

   "Back to Luiza's house," Courtney mumbled as she slung her rifle over her shoulder.

A pretty bad storm had set in, it had gotten worse as the day went on. Storms in the billiard were terrible. If the survivors were lucky the storm would only last a week.

It was very dangerous to be outside Luiza's house at night. Though Courtney worked every spare moment to look for any survivors.

Her father was killed when the attack on the villains first took place, it was during winter to she took his jacket and his ring to have him wherever she went.

"Mother's probably worried," Courtney mumbled as she tried to navigate her way in the dark night.

She constantly hit various fences and buildings, by now, she was completely lost, "That's a fence right?" Must be Luiza's house," Courtney mumbled as she climbed the gate.

"Oomp," Courtney gasped out as she hit the stone ground, "Was it stone or gravel?" She questioned, "Doesn't matter to much I suppose,"

Courtney started walking down the stone trail, "Wait.. this isn't right," She whispered, "There isn't this much distance.. where have I gone?"

"No turning back now," She huffed keeping on the trail. Courtney grabbed her rifle just in case if any Lycans were over here as well.

After may minutes of walking it hit her, "I must of jumped over one of the Lord's gates," Her voice was hoarse.. shit," She stopped in her tracks and looked up to see a brightly lit castle.

"I guess I'm Lady Dimitrescu's next meal," She stumbled over her words.

Courtney carefully walked across the trail, now there was no way back. There could possibly be an escape somewhere around the Lady's territory though.

I heard the Lycans roaming around the area. Who knows if they were worse over here or at the village. I didn't lower my gun for a minute. Now that I'm here I should've made some for ammunition.

I was as careful as could be once I made my way to the castle, "Maybe I could exit through here," I wondered as I looked for an entrance.

There by a window was a small hole, perfect for me to fit in. Maybe I should've listened to my mother and stayed at Luiza's.

I crept up to the castle and snuck through the hole, it was warmer than the outside, far warmer.

I stood up and looked around.

"Mother!  Cassandra and Bela took everything of that last servant!" A young woman yelled.

"Hush now Daniela, there will always be more food later on!"  Said who probably was Lady Dimitrescu.

"Ugh! Fine," Daniela poured before her footsteps faded.

Courtney quietly moved around the room. So the elderly ladies stories were true.

Al she had to do was find an exit then go back home.. it would be easy. Right?

Courtney opened up a door that led into a huge bedroom, "Holy this place is nice," Courtney muttered as she looked around.

Her eyes widened es she beheld a large mannequin, maybe a half foot taller than nine feet with a long dress, a black hat, and a pair of heels.

"This is probably the Lady's room," Courtney observed.

"Mother," another female voice called.

"What is it Bela?" Lady Dimitrescu asked.

"I smell fresh blood," Bela said.

Courtney froze and looked at her hand, it was bleeding again, she turned and looked in the mirror, there was two long claw marks across her neck from when the lycan first attacked.

"Oh shit," she muttered.

"Is it still from that servant that you killed?" The lady asked.

"No, no. I killed that servant by the kitchens, I smelt it by the hall next to your chambers," Bela protested.

"Are you saying that a mortal has gotten into our home?" Lady Dimitrescu asked.

"Yes yes! Can we find it and kill it?" Bela seemed exited.

"Make sure it's actually human and not some dumb animal," The Lady commanded.

"Yes Mother," Bela said before it sounded like a swarm of flies.

Courtney looked around and found some healing ointment. She grabbed a random piece of cloth and drenched it in the liquid and began pressing it on her neck.

It stung like hell, she refrained from yelling out. Courtney let down the cloth and looked in the mirror, it had made the wound scab over.

Now for her hand. Courtney found another piece of cloth. She unwrapped the old piece of cloth that covered her right and and grimaced that the sight of it.

Courtney closed her eyes as she poured the liquid on it. It felt like a searing pain shot through her entire hand. She grabbed the piece of cloth and wrapped it around her hand.

She looked around the room and threw the old pieces of cloth into the fireplace before she continued her journey.

"Hehe, I smell you," Bela cooed from the hall.

Courtney hurried and exited the room and entered the halls. Bela should be close to here.

She began carefully walking around the castle trying to go unnoticed by the Lady and her daughters.

Bloodthirsty things.

Courtney made her way upstairs to another floor of the castle, she was about to enter another door.

That plan was tossed out the window when she heard buzzing behind her. She didn't dare turn around.

"Look what we have here!" Daniela cheered.

Vampire and "Mortal"- Lady Dimitrescu X Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now