Meeting the Lords

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      Whatever it was that was in the sky was gone in an instant. Courtney shook her head and sat down on her bed.

Using her powers she directed her journal, with an iron latch, to her. Grabbing a pen she began to write.

May 6th,

Today is yet another day that I'm missing my village and staying in the Dimitrescu castle. Over the past few weeks I've become good friends with Bela and Daniela. Cassandra is far quieter and more kept to herself. The Lady, Alcina. I'm sure I'm in love with her. This is the first time I've ever felt true love before.. At least I think it's love.

I also hope I can meet some of the other Lords soon. And Mother Miranda. I've heard so much about them, I've heard that Donna Beneviento has a doll named Angie and lives alone in a manor. I learned that Moreau is a mutant that wants to have a friend.. and Heisenberg, the fourth Lord. According to Alcina he is the worst of them all. I'm not to sure what she means by that, but Mother Miranda.. she seems like bad bad business.

Coins lit down her pen and grabbed her jacket to go for a walk around the castle grounds. She exited the room and walked down the stairs. The servants had been nothing but kind.

Courtney's POV-

I walked outside, clouds were starting to gather up, rain did sound nice right about now. I started walking down the trail around the castle.

I stared walking the promoter and looked up, through one of the windows I saw Alcina fixing her makeup. The thought of her made me smile slightly.

A small sprinkle started once I was halfway around the castle. I had been thinking about it for a little while when I was walking, I'd write a quick note to Alcina saying how I was off the visit the other Lords. There was no way that she'd let me go if I just flat out told her.

I grabbed a random piece of paper from my pocket and started writing with a random piece of charcoal I found on the ground.

Dear Alcina, I'll be gone for a little while because I am going to visit the other Lords. Please don't worry about me for I do know how to hold my own and all I want to do is visit some people. Of which I know you won't let me go as if I was five or something

Love, Courtney W.

I folded it up and handed it to a servant who was cleaning the windows for some reason in the pouring rain. I quickly ran into a closet in the kitchen which held my guns and my knifes and put them in me, just in case of nay Lycans decide to sneak up on me.

I didn't check but I'm pretty sure I left a muddy mess for the maids to clean up. I started on my way, maybe I could find a horse.. or that might not be the smartest idea. I'll just go on foot right now.

Donna's mansion would be the first place I'll go since it's closest, I'll save Heisenberg for last.

I put my hands in my pockets and followed the trail, it reminded me of how I found hat Father and his daughter the last day I was at the village. Sometimes I wonder if things would've turned out better for my village if I would've just stayed at Luiza's house.

I sighed and shook my head, I was getting my close to the area where the Duke was at, maybe I could buy something for Alcina or her daughters. I did have some extra money anyways.

I've seen the Duke only once before in the Dimitrescu castle, maybe he would recognize me. Or maybe not.

I climbed over the gate that goes to the castle and saw the Duke silently humming to himself.

I hopped down from the gate and let out and "opmh"

"Oh! Hello there Miss Courtney, what brings you here today?" The Duke asked kindly.

I gave a nice smile and walked up to the Duke's carriage, I need some things for the Lady and her Daughters,"

"Ah alright then," The Duke said, "Have a look around.

I ended up choosing a pair of crystal earrings for Alcina, and three necklaces for Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra. I nodded my thanks and started my way over to the gate that leads to the Beneviento manor.

I made a small prayer before hopping over the gate into Beneviento territory. I was already terrified.

Vampire and "Mortal"- Lady Dimitrescu X Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now