The bathroom.

Mr. Lee's hand on your throat.

Between your legs...

You felt like you could die of embarrassment as you buried your face into Mr. Lee's shoulder.

'Embarrassed?' Mr. Lee asked you. You couldn't respond.

'I had hoped you wouldn't be,' he sighed.

You looked at him in surprise.

'I mean, your behavior was uncalled for and you should definitely be embarrassed about that. But I was hoping you wouldn't be embarrassed about me fingering you in that bathroom,' he spoke in a disappointed voice.

You felt your cheeks and ears instantly redden at his words.

'Did you not enjoy it?' He asked you, his expression serious and his chocolate eyes staring deeply into yours.

'No, I did! It's just...' You began, not knowing how to finish it.

Mr. Lee's mouth curled slightly for a second at your words before he looked at you seriously again.

'Y/n' He whispered, the way he said your name like a kiss on your heart, 'you have no need to be embarrassed at all. In fact, I don't ever want you to be embarrassed about anything sex-related. Especially not with me,'

Mr. Lee stroked your hair softly.

'Whatever you like, or don't like, whatever you want to try out, however you feel, you can always tell me. I will never laugh at you nor judge you,' he spoke.

You couldn't help it. His words simply made you feel more embarrassed.

You had grown up all your life not speaking to anyone about sex. Eomeoni had given you a folder on sex ed and that had been it. The rest of it you had learned through watching movies, some porn, and a lot of googling.

But now the man your heart seemed to long for the most was talking about it like it was no big deal. Like it was normal.

Like he had already done it a million times.

And then there was you.

The virgin.

You stayed silent for a bit and Mr. Lee sighed again.

'I liked it better when you were so vocal last night,' Mr. Lee joked. 'But I did mean what I said then,' he continued on a more serious tone, 'If you ever act up like that again, following a strange boy to a party, dancing with him at such proximity, ignoring me... I will not be as nice next time,' Mr. Lee said darkly

A warm feeling heated your core at his words. You bit your lip trying to ignore the feeling.

'I'm sorry, it won't happen again,' you promised him.

Mr. Lee hummed appreciatively.

He started lazily petting your hair again.

'I'm sorry too,' he said eventually.

You looked at him surprised.

'For leaving you behind. For having to entertain that horrible hag,' he almost hissed the words. 'I swear to you I tried so hard to get rid of her. I even hid in the  fucking toilet for a while, hoping she'd leave if it would take too long, but she simply wouldn't, the leach,' he said gritting his teeth.

'And I had to keep my manners as well, knowing that if I'd insult her in any way, she'd probably still manage to get Mr. Nam not to invest,' he said pulling up his nose.

'It's okay,' you whispered, feeling embarrassed about your overreaction to the situation the night before.

'No. It's not. But there's nothing we can do about it anymore,' Mr. Lee sighed angrily.

'I still got three out of four,' you tried to reassure him.

Mr. Lee smiled down at you proudly.

'That's my girl. I didn't expect anything less from you,' he cooed.

His words made you feel warm inside.

'Who did you miss?' he asked curiously.

'Mr. Kwam,' you said. 'All the others agreed to invest and gave me their cards,'

'What happened?' Mr. Lee asked curiously.

You bit your lip for a second.

'I got distracted,' you said vaguely. Mr. Lee didn't say anything.

'By you,' you decided to add embarrassment after a short silence.

Mr. Lee clacked his tongue at himself.

'I'm sorry my dear,' he murmured in your ear, kissing your forehead with his soft lips.

You shook your head to tell him it was okay.

'But still, you got three out of four. You did amazing. I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it, even without me,' he praised you.

His words made you feel like a balloon was swelling in your chest. And you couldn't help but feel proud of yourself too.

'You got their phone numbers right?' Mr. Lee asked.

You nodded again.

He pressed his lips together.

'I hate to say this, but it'd be best to call them today... As soon as possible,' he said his expression slightly uncomfortable.

He looked down at you, a sweet gaze in his eyes.

'Honestly, I wish I could stay here with you like this for the rest of the day,' he said, nuzzling his face into your hair.

The movement of it was so cute you couldn't help but giggle.

You wished nothing more than to stay in his arms as well.

'But,' he said with a groan, 'business is business and time is of the essence,'

He let go of you and sat up, his pale bare chest almost shining in the sunlight.

You stared at his muscular frame as he put a hand through his messy hair. 

Noticing you he grinned.

'Like what you see?' he joked.

You quickly looked away in embarrassment.

Mr. Lee laughed.

Feeling slightly awkward you got up.

As the blankets slid off of you, you suddenly noticed something.

You were only wearing your underwear and the necklace Mr. Lee had gifted you.

In shock, you let out a soft yelp, scanning the room frantically for your dress.

Mr. Lee had already gotten up and looked around at your sound.

'My-my dress,' you stammered, wrapping your blankets around you as you sat up.

Mr. Lee grinned at you.

'Right...' he said nodding slowly, clearly trying to hold in his laughter.

'Yeah, you erm,' he coughed trying to cover up a chuckle, 'you took of it somewhere down the hall. Insisting that it was far too hot to be wearing the thing before demanding to sleep with me in my bed,'

'You saw?' you asked embarrassed.

Mr. Lee rolled his eyes at you.

'Of course, I saw. You didn't give me the opportunity to not see. And to be honest, any chance I will get from now on, I'll take,' he said, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a devilish grin.

'Besides, after what we did last night, I don't get how this can still worry you,' he said shaking his head.

Mr. LeeWhere stories live. Discover now