At First

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Hello Again I guess

During the holidays I took some time to watch the most underrated Marvel series ever.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
And this series oof I LOVE it. Maybe a bit too brutal for me. But I got on well with it. Great action Great story line. Lots of drama. Just awesome 7 seasons. You get so much character development from each character. Especially the development of the ship I'm writing about.

Phil Coulson &Melinda May

And I am really pissed what Marvel did.
In advance before you continue reading. This book may have spoilers for certain seasons if you haven't seen them all. You have been warned. But I will always write beforehand which season it is about. It's not always the original storyline either.

Also, this book will not include 18+. I don't like writing stuff like that. And it doesn't have to be.

Since I don't know how you guys deal with injuries in stories or whatever, I'll always put a warning up front.

The first Story will come today soon! :3

These are not my own characters.
Credits are for Marvel.

I hope I can make you happy with these oneshots :)

Your May :3

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