Chapter 23 (Past)

Start from the beginning

"Nikhil please. All this is too overwhelming for me. I need time."

"Take your time. But not more than one month. I need your answer."

"One month? But you are going after two months right."

He just shrugged at that. I don't know what does that mean and he didn't explain.


One and half months later

I ringed the bell the second time. But still there wasn't any response. What to do. Is someone even inside or not.

Has Kavya left as well?

I ringed the bell again shouting for Kavya.

After a couple of seconds I heard from behind me, "Sameera what are you doing here."

"You were out! I thought you are deliberately not opening the door."

"Sameera when will you stop?"

"Today is the last." I replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I am getting married." I informed her.

"You are just 20!"

"Yes, everything happened too soon. I came to invite you and Ayan to my wedding." I said handing her the invitation card.

"Please tell Ayan to come. If he will, I will consider that he has forgiven me. I will really want him to be with me in the biggest day of my life." I told her before leaving.

I know Ayan is going to be hurt when he will get to know. But I cannot not inform him.

I went home and entered my room and guess what? My sister as usual was sitting on my bed as if the room belongs to her.

"How many times I have warned you not to enter in my room when I am not there!" I screamed at her. I don't trust my sister. Actually I do trust her. I trust her with my life. But I don't like her coming in my room without my permission.

"Don't you think that this room is going to be mine in some time?"

"What do you mean?" I asked her clueless about what she was talking.

"After you'll get married this room will be all mine!" She exclaimed.

"Shut up!" I ordered her. This girl has immense power to irritate me. This is my room and will always be mine.

"Hey tell me one thing! Are you sure?" She asked me.

"Sure, about what?" I asked uninterested.

"Sure about marriage. Don't you think it's too early? You are just 20! You are very young for marriage and..." She questioned.

I know what she means with that.

"Don't you think you are very young to talk about in these serious matters." I answered her to avoid the conversation.

"I am 16 years old only, 4 years younger than you! Okay?" Kavya said irritably.

"Okay my sisso you are not young. You are my dadi. Fine?" I teased. [dadi - grandmother]

"Please I am serious. You are sure you want to marry Nikhil?" She asked. I know she is concerned about me. But I just don't want to have this conversation with her yet again. I know where it will go.

"He is such a nice person Kriti. He has been here for me always. Especially after the whole Ayan thing, he has supported me and helped me. And this is what I always wanted right! Ever since I am thirteen."

"He is 28. Eight years older than you." She yelled.

"So what? Age is just a number. And I love him." When I said that it didn't felt the same anymore as it felt earlier, when I was young.

"You don't love him Sameera. You love Aayansh! Infact you never loved him. You were just crazy about him. You were obsessed with him. He is not meant for you."

"Wait! What is Sameera? I am older. Show some respect." I ordered her changing the subject.

"Don't right now!" She said sternly.

"I didn't love Ayan. It was just an infatuation." I stated.

"You know what, Nikhil has brainwashed you!" She said.

"What is this Nikhil! He is elder to you. Call him jiju. And he has nothing to do with all this!" [Jiji - brother in law; sister's husband]

"You know what you're sick. You can't see Nikhil is not the right guy for you. I have far more better foresight than you." She screamed.

"I will regret if I let him go Kriti!" I said softly.

"If you marry Nikhil, you will lose Aayansh for forever and then you will regret."

"Can't you see I have already lost him! I can't lose Nikhil as well."

"Then you will get someone else."

"People can't be replaced Kriti!"

"Oh god you are speaking as if you have lost everything! You have good parents, a smart, intelligent, cute, loving and helpful sister but all you care for a 28-year old asshole."

Only if you knew Kriti! Only if you knew what I meant with people can't be replaced!

"Just forget it Kriti! I am marrying Nikhil! And that's final."

"You will regret it one day Sam!" She screamed and left the room slamming the door shut!

It's not like Nikhil is the wrong guy. It's just that she doesn't like him and I don't know why? I thought to myself.

How one week passed so easily I didn't realize amidst all the wedding rituals, calls from friends wishing me 'congratulations' and crying session with my friends since I will be leaving with Nikhil.

Today is my wedding day and I can't put in words how happy, excited and nervous I am. Today I will become Mrs. Nikhil Ahuja. I hope I am doing the right thing.

I went to the orphanage before the wedding. I won't be able to meet these kids again. Atleast not in a while. So, I had to go to see them. Sometimes I feel so bad for them that they don't have anyone like I do. I just wish that they also could be as lucky as I am.

After I came back Mom was mad for leaving the house on the wedding day. But how couldn't I go meet those beautiful sweethearts.

I went to my room and started getting ready.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror all dressed up in a red wedding gown. And suddenly all my excitement turned into nervousness. My sister and friends came to take me to the mandap. I looked at Nikhil who soon will be my husband. His smiling face instantly brought a smile to my face. I don't know what my future with Nikhil has in store but I trust him that he will keep me happy. I trust that he will never let me be unhappy ever. I can trust him and trust him with my life.

As I exchanged the garland with Nikhil all the guests clapped. I looked at their smiling faces. Everyone seemed to be so happy for Nikhil and me, of course except my sister. But what I saw was the missing face of the person in the crowd I have been longing to see.

Aayansh Singhania.

He didn't come.

Hii guys!

I know this must have been a big shocker. But this was always supposed to happen. I didn't want to stretch the story much so I didn't write much about Nikhil and Sameera. But hope you still liked the chapter and tell me whether you are excited about the next chapters.

The next chapter is about the present!

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