Chapter o3: Home

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" Jisoo honey, are you sure? "Instead of answering, I just stare at my Mom.

Am I sure?

Going back to Korea was like an unexpected declaration that I did. 

I just spit it out all of a sudden that I didn't even managed to process the consequences of actually doing it in the first place.

Right after Bona heard me say it, her emotions directly went up the roof. Both metaphorically and literally, like she really did became so happy and delighted to the point where she started hopping on my bed.

She didn't waste any second and run off downstairs to tell my Mom about it.

And here we are now in this situation, with me and my Mom in sitting in the couch of our living room discussing about case right after Bona flew back to her house.

"I-" I still couldn't find any words to say.

"It's not that I'm against it, hon. I miss your Halmeoni a lot but if your not ready then let's not force it, okay?" She scooted closer and started caressing my back, assuring me.

Why did I even say that, exactly?

My life has been great here in Canada already. 

I have my friends here. I love the place and everything. It's perfect. Like I could not asked for more.

Or so I thought.

I decided to tell my Mom my honest opinion.

"Life has been great here in Canada, Mom." I gave her a smile. She nodded lightly as an answer as she waits for me to speak more.

"But as far I've known, we initially went here to run away, right?"

She immediately looked down. "Yeah, because I beilieve that was the best for us"

"For you, hon." She added.

I grabbed both of her hands and clasps it lightly into mine. "I know, Mom. And I thank you for that."

"Canada was our safe haven. It has healed us both. But we both know it's not our home." She met my gaze. With her eyes full of love and adoration.

She squeezed both of my hands and gave me the brightest smile she could ever bestow.

"I'm really proud of what you have become, hon." Her eyes glittered as she stared at me with the most admiration. "You became so strong, Jisoo. I'm so happy for you, really."

"Thank you, Mom. I learn from the best. You." I stated, feeling giddy at her compliments.

All of a sudden, she went in for a very tight hug. "But, you're still my baby girl, okay?" She exclaimed. "Please don't grow up too fast!"

I playfully tapped her shoulders as I was trying to break off the embrace. "M-Mom, too tight. Can't breath." I yelped.

She let go while letting out a nervous laugh. "Ops, sorry. My bad."

The room then filled with both of our shared laughter.


A smile immediately pasted right on my face after I went out of the cab. I took my time to look around and felt nostalgic at what I'm witnessing.

Our neighborhood didn't change even after two years of being away from here. I stared intently at our house. It still the one. 

Still feels like home.

"Ji, why don't you went inside, first? I'm gonna need to take a call." Mom stated. 

She took out her phone and dial a number. "Damn that moving van, where are they?" She clicked her tongue in annoyance. "I'm going to call their office and complain this instant!"

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