Chapter 13: Party (2)

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I run my fingers to my hair, sighing deep. "Now, the night's ruined."

I took my phone from my purse and texted Bona right away.

Me: So fine at the **** bar. Reply ASAP!

"Guess, it's just you and me, Ji." I glanced at my side and saw Hoseok walking closer. 

I giggled softly. "I guess it is." We become silent after and decided to put our attention at the crowd downstairs. 

The bar was started to get full. I lot of people are already at the dance floor getting down to the beat of the music. 

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrates on my hand. I glance at the screen and reads Bona reply.

Bona: Coming, babe!

"Is your friend still um, s-single?" I glanced at Hoseok and immediately smirked when I saw him looking at the text message on my phone.

"As a matter of fact, yes, she is!" I raised my brow up and down, teasing him. "Single and ready to mingle!"

He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'll introduce her to you," I winked at him. He turned red, looking so flustered. I made a resounding laugh.

Then, we heard the song changed. The DJ playing started playing an upbeat song that made the crowd even wilder.

Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me

"This is my jam!" Hoseok and I both shouted in unison. We gasped at the same time. He high-fived each other.

"Shall we dance?" He asked. I let out a playful giggled. "I thought you've never asked!"

We rushed our way downstairs, giggling with each other. When we arrived along with the crowd, Hoseok instantly pulled us trough the center of the spotlight and we dance our heart's out.

She took my arm
I don't know how it happened
We took the floor and she said

Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me

We both sang the lyrics as we sway to the music.

I could go like this all night long. Feet moving to the crazy beat like they belong to the music. I move in my dress like my hips were made to sway as the sequins catching the disco ball light that twirls above - launching a every shade of the rainbow into the darkness.

Oh oh oh shut up and dance with me
Oh oh oh shut up and dance with me

As the song come to an end, I felt someone patted my shoulders, I turned my back and saw Bona, frowning at me. 

"You're not answering my calls!" She shouted loudly in my ear so that I could hear her.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. You're early?!" I shouted back.

She nodded. "The restaurant we ate wasn't far from here."

"Oh, really!" I exclaimed. 

I glanced back at Hoseok who was staring at Bona already. I pulled Bona closer who then stumble and hit Hoseok's chest. He immediately hold her waist to support her.

"I-I'm sorry," Bona stuttered. 

She glanced back at me and narrowed her eyes. I just giggle and waved at them, walking away. "Both of you, have fun!"

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