Chapter 23: Resolute

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The ride back home was quiet, the silence was quite an unsettling one.

His father was the one driving. Aunt Hee was beside him in the passenger's seat while me and Taehyung was on the same ride, at the back of the car.

Lisa decided to accompany Jungkook on the ride home.

I can feel the heavy tension inside. 

No one dared to speak a word, even Aunt Hee who I believe has a lot of things to asked from us choose to stay silent. She just keep glancing at us from time to time.

I slowly turn my head to my side and looked at Taehyung. He was agitatedly sneaking a look every once in a while at his father who was solely focusing on driving us home. 

I already know Taehyung by heart.

I know how his genuine smile looks like, the expression he do when he's mad or feeling blue. Every little things he do, I know it inside out.

And right now, I saw how he licked his lips ever so often. That's what he always do when he's highly strung, to the point that he doesn't even know what he'll be doing anymore.

I deeply sighed.

I'm distinctively sure he's becoming more nervous as time passed by. It clearly shows. I even catch a glimpse of  how his hand that resting on his lap trembled to some extent.

I slowly reached for it and tightened my hold, that made him looked at me. I brightly smiled, trying to console him.

I stared at him lovingly. 

You deserve the world, Tae. You deserve to fall into a relationship with someone who adores you, someone who see you as valuable, and special, and worthy of affection and attention.

This time for sure. I will be that someone.

I would face my fears and overcome it because that's how much you mean to me.

No more running away.

I will get the better of it.

For you.

For the both of us.


We've arrived. 

As soon Mr. Kim turn off the car, he immediately went out without even giving us a glance. 

 I heard Aunt Hee took a deep breath before turning her head back to look at us. "I'll talk to him, you guys wait here."

I shook my head right away. "It's okay, Aunt Hee. I need to do this." I gave her a smile before going out of the car and started following Mr. Kim.

Shortly after, they followed me behind.

Everyone remained quiet as we walked towards the door of their house. As soon as we enter, we saw Mr. Kim mounted a few meters away. He remained stood still with his back facing us.

Taehyung immediately broke the silence and called his father.

"Dad, please." He pleaded. "Let us talk this through."

"You-" He rushed his way back to us and  extend an open hand across Taehyung's face as hard as he could hit.

It all happened too fast. 

I gasped out loud and quickly run in front of Taehyung when Mr. Kim lifted his hand acting to hit him again. I clutch beside to cover him. 

Aunt Hee then hopped into the scene. She hardly pulled Mr. Kim away. He didn't proceed to hit him but instead clenched his hand into a fist, clearly trying to make himself to calm down. 

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