The Artist

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Charlotte & Eva...

Eva and Charlotte drag themselves into Thebas High School. Neither girl has gotten a sufficient amount of sleep. Charlotte, in particular, feels drained of energy. Tituba hijacking her body left her fatigued and she couldn't seem to bring herself back from it. Pieces of Tituba remained. Even with all of that going on, there seems like there is something else going on.

She feels as if a piece of Micah is still inside her. With the resident magic user out of commission, she's taken the initiative to study body-hijacking and possession. The common consensus among every book is that hijacking and possession are very delicate rituals and take concentration, especially when first attempted.

Charlotte's best guess is that Micah's soul was fragmented, that pieces were still attached to Tituba and Tituba left those pieces in whomever she jumped into. The feeling is intense, as if little bits of her are different in very minor ways. As if she were an entirely different person, yet she was still the same.

Eva has noticed the change in her friend but constantly writes it off as a form of PTSD from the events. She is torn by her duty to keeping Charlotte sane and her duty to keep Perry safe. Neither of those tasks seem to be panning out as planned. On top of all of the supernatural business, Eva's school work is faltering a bit and Finn seems more distant. His concern about the Lost Boy is still a great source of his concern.

Eva worries that whatever he is feeling is affecting them as a couple.

The girl's quiet walk is soon interrupted by Parker. Their newest addition seems to be blabbering on about noticing changes in people, possibly spotting new vampires. The girls ignore him mostly, until he asks the question that snaps them out of their thoughts.

"Where is Perry?"



When I awaken next, I am sleeping in my own bed. To my surprise, I am not relieved. Dressing myself for school takes a weird turn when I realized that I am wearing a curious sapphire ring. 

The ring clashes with almost everything I put on. I finally settle on a grey v-neck, a dark pair of jeans and a pair of leather boots. After giving myself the once-over, I am startlingly aware of how much I resembled Phoenix. The thought frightens me but hits me with curiosity at the same time. He is smart and kind though he is hell-bent on revenge. 

I realize the similarity that I've idiotically missed.

On the way down stairs, I pass Porter and my Grandmother's rooms and I am reminded of them. A sad feeling I haven't taken the time to remember is bubbling to the surface. It seems like a lifetime ago that I lost Granny but Porter seems so much fresher. It seems like I just saw him yesterday. I'm still in shock. I expect him to walk through the door some days.

As I descend the stairs and enter the kitchen, I realize that my Mother, Father and Lucas are having a conversation. Their conversation abruptly ends when they realized I enter the room.

"Perry!" Penny says crossing the counter to hug me. Alan and Lucas stay back, watching as she embraces me, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Actually, I feel a lot better than I have in a while." I smile to her and looked to Lucas and Dad, "That-Is terrifying."

"But also devilishly handsome." Lucas says with his patented sideways grin, "Didn't think you were ever going to wake up."

"Best night's sleep. Who would have thought a magically-induced sleep would be so invigorating?" I look between them, "I'm fine. No bumps or bruises...Phoenix was a perfect gentleman. Aside from the kidnapping."

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