Chapter 12: Reunion

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(y/n)'s POV

    It's been a few days since Timmy snuck into my room that night. I hear that he's since gotten out, and I've gotten a few visits from my family, a few more from Leah and Roxy, and a ton from Timmy. When people are in my room talking, its to each other and not me. I don't blame them, but its hard to keep up with everything they're saying sometimes. It's nice when Timmy comes though, he holds my hand and tells me about his day and anything new going on that I'd want to know about.

    My rooms been silent for a while, so it's safe to say that no one is visiting for the moment. I appreciate moments like these now, no random babbling going on in the background while I'm forced to sit here and listen. All of a sudden, I can see a faint light trough my eyelids. I feel a tingling in my toes, and my fingers begin to twitch. Twitch! With all the strength I can muster, I try to force my eyelids open. It took a few moments, but eventually I open my eyes. Over the next little while, I work on moving all of my muscles, making sure I do everything. A nurse comes in, and is ecstatic to see that I finally woke up. She calls in a doctor, and they do some examinations. They ask if I want them to tell the people who have visited that I'm finally awake. I think about it, but then decline. I want to surprise them. 

    We spend the rest of the day doing physical therapy. They tell me about my physical condition, including the fact that I was in a coma for 2 weeks. That was disturbing, I thought that it was just a few days, not two weeks. I'm pacing around my room, still working on my leg strength while I catch up on any news I've missed. Just then, the doctor comes in.

    "Hello, miss. Be careful, you don't want to over exasperate your legs. sit down for a moment." I sit down on my bed and the doctor sits across from me. "Today, I only come bearing good news. Because you were in a coma for 2 weeks, your body was able to heal faster than expected. You should be almost completely healed within the next few weeks, but we still want you to be cautious and not do any physically tiring activity for at least 2 weeks. Other than that, you can go home tonight if you'd like. You will just have to come back next week so that we can make sure you're healing properly and not have any long term issues. Sound good?"

    "Sounds great! Thank you." I begin gathering up my stuff.


    I consider going to visit Leah or Roxy, but I decide not to. It's getting late, and I'm tired despite being unconscious for so long. Besides, I'm excited to see Timmy. I've been hearing his voice a lot, but its been too long since I've seen his face. He has work today, so he won't be there when I get home. I can cook a big dinner and surprise him. I hop out of the taxi, walk up the driveway and open the front door. I take a step in the house, and I am instantly greeted with the familiar smell of the warm house. I smile, and the first thing I do is go upstairs to my bathroom and take a shower, then change into fresh, comfy clothes. 

    I head to the kitchen and check the time. 5:15 pm. Timmy's likely going to be home in around an hour, and I spend too much time trying to chose a dish. Eventually, I decide to make breakfast for diner: Crepes. It took a combined total of 40 minutes between choosing to make Crepes and making Crepes, so I spend my remaining time making whipped cream for the ice cream I found in the freezer. While I was whipping the cream, I didn't hear the door open an close over the machine whirring. 

    "(y/n)?" I hear. I smile before I even turn around, knowing that it was the person I was so excited to see. I turn off the mixer and turn my head, seeing his face for the first time in far too long. Before I can even say anything, he runs at me full speed and takes me in a tight hug. one arm around my waist, the other in my hair as he tucks his head into my neck. I wrap both my arms around his neck, and I never want this moment to end. I've hugged him before, but never with such a need to hold on, as if we will never see each other again if we let go. When we pull away, he looks at me smiling while at the same time crying.

    "Oh, please don't cry. It's going to make me cry." I say, as a tear escapes my eye while I wipe one away from his face.

    "Don't worry, they're happy tears." We stay still for a moment before hugging again. "I've missed you. So much." 

    I debate whether I should tell him that I could hear everything over the weeks, but I decide that I can just tell him later. "I've missed you too. Now come on, I made us breakfast for dinner and I don't want it to get cold." We eat, then Timmy suggests watching a movie while we eat ice cream, and I agree even though I'm extremely tired. I don't want to say goodnight just yet. We snuggle up under a blanket together, and he picked a random movie that we could find, but I was asleep by halfway through the movie. The last thing I remember was laying against Timmy's chest while his arm went behind me and rested on my waist. 

Denial (Timothee Chalamet AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang