Chapter 24: With You

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(y/n)'s POV:

With all the craziness that happened yesterday, I'm glad to be back at work now. It's a nice way to take my mind off of the things going on in my life and just focus on something else right now. Timmy walks in through to door, and I run past the counter to be able to greet him.

"Hey, handsome. What can I get you?" I say with a big grin.

He stares down at me lovingly, right before leaning down and kissing me. It catches me by surprise, so all I can say is "Don't worry, that was free." He laughs at my goofiness. We spend my lunch break eating together before he goes back to work. I see him everyday at home, but I still love it when he comes to visit me at work.

Eventually, the day finishes up and I head back home. Once again, Timmy surprises me. I'm always home first since his hours are longer than mine, so I typically make dinner. This time, I walk into our home to see him making pancakes while wearing a 'kiss the chef' apron. And everything was covered with flowers. There were vases and bouquets of flowers on every shelf, table, windowsill, and chair.

Timmy notices that I was home, even though I was completely speechless. I was just looking at all of the flowers while he watched me with a smile. "Timmy, this is incredible."

"I'm glad you like it."

"You must have messed up real bad if you did all of this."

"What, I can't just do something nice for my best girl?" I can't get over his nicknames for me. He has so many, and I love all of them.

"Thank you. So much." I give him a tight hug, but he only loosely hugs back.

"Good timing, I just finished pancakes." We start preparing our food.

"Pancakes for dinner? You spoil me."

"I love to spoil you." We start eating and Timmy suddenly stops to turn to me. "So how are you feeling?"

"I'm good. You?" I reply normally.

"No, I mean really. Are you feeling nauseous or anything?" He asks with a kind of creepy face.

"Um, no, I'm fine. What did you put in these pancakes?" I get suspicious as to what he might have added that would make him think I'd get nauseous.

He laughs awkwardly. "Nothing. Have you been feeling any mood swings? Fatigue?"

"Timmy, you're starting to freak me out. Are you trying to be a doctor or something?" I take both of our plates and put them in the sink, and Timmy follows me.

He sighs. "(y/n), I know."

He leans back onto the kitchen island, and I lean back on the counter in front of him. "What are you talking about? What is there to know?"

He starts to break out into a massive grin. "That I'm going to be a dad. I saw the test." His eyes tear up slightly, and my mind goes blank for a minute before remembering. Leah threw away one of the tests, and he must have seen it!

I go up to him and cup his smiling face, which drops when he notices my serious expression. "I'm so sorry."

"What happened?" He asks, full of worry, and I can't help but think of how lucky I am and how he is about to be crushed.

"That wasn't my test, I'm not pregnant."

His face loses all expression. "Oh."

"It was Leah's test. She took it here and threw it out. I'm so sorry." My hands stay on his face, and he brings his hands up to hold mine.

"It's alright. We aren't ready for kid."

"Yep, you need to upgrade to husband to unlock that feature." I grin at him.

He puts his thumb on my chin and tilts my head up to meet his suddenly dark eyes. "Trust me, I intend to."

I lay down next to him in bed, and snuggle up to his side. "So, Eric and Leah are going to be parents?" Timmy asks.

"Yep. Crazy, right? They've known each other forever though, so I'm happy things went like this." He stays silent for a while. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"I just never thought I'd be here. If I was told a year ago that I would be with the best girl in the world despite everything I put her through, I'm not entirely sure what I'd think. there are so many things that I wish I had done better over these last few months, but I'm glad that it all ended up here. With you."

My heart melts at his words. I've never felt so strongly about someone. I've never before been able to look into someone's eyes and see my entire future. I never thought that I'd find someone who can make me feel safe even in the worst situation.

But things change, and people change. We grow up, and we try forget all the horrible things that we've put ourselves through to get where we are. We try to move past the people who slow us down, but sometimes our bad habits of allowing toxic people into our lives consumes us. Once you've hit rock bottom, you remind yourself that the only way to go is up. And very few people have the luck to find someone that pulls them out of that hole. But I'm so much more than just lucky to find someone like this, that I don't even have the words for it. I'm just glad that I could get past all of the denial of finally getting everything I ever wanted and needed, and letting myself be happy.

A/n: Thank you guys so much for reading! I'm sorry to say that this story has come to an end. Hopefully I'll be starting another story soon, so please follow if you like my writing style and/or plot!

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