Chapter 3: Leaving

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(y/n)'s POV

    The sun blazes through my curtains, forcing me awake. I lean up in my bed, rubbing my eyes. My head pounds. I open my eyes and check my phone. A few missed texts from Eric, Roxy, and Leah. Right next to where my phone was charging, There is a pill, a glass of water, and a note.

Timothee said you might have                                                                                      a headache in the morning.                                                                                                                                             -Eric

    I subconsciously smile and take the pill. I get up to get breakfast before the tough day begins. Eric is leaving for China today, so I'm going to be alone in the apartment for two months. When I leave my room, I see a few boxes and suitcases. Eric is making breakfast in the kitchen.

    "Hey, sis. Great timing, I just finished making breakfast." He places two plates of French toast with fruit pieces and chocolate syrup drizzled on it. My mouth is watering.

    "Come on, it's your last day here! I should have made you breakfast." I complain even though his food looks incredible.

    "No, I enjoy cooking for you. Besides, your cooking stinks." Eric jokes.

    "Not true! I can make excellent toast." I look at him pridefully.

    He puts his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright. I'll give you that. You only burn the toast 50% of the time." I gasp dramatically, acting hurt. I eat quickly so I can help him get his stuff into his car. We finish with a few hours until his flight, so we decide to go see a movie first. We see Interstellar (hehe.) Afterwards, we go to an Italian restaurant for lunch. 

    "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don't want you to stay at the apartment alone while I'm gone, so I set something up." He tells me as we eat.

    "Really? Where?" I say though a mouth full of pizza. I know, I'm not a pretty eater. 

    "I want it to be a surprise, but I think you might like it." We pay then head out to leave. With hardly any time left we arrive at the airport. We've had a few hours together, but it feels like it has been mere minutes. I go with him all the way to his gate until he has to board. He passes me a slip of paper with an address on it.

    "This is where I want you to stay, I know you will be safe there. Go home and pack some bags, then go there." I nod. I hug him one last time and watch him board the plane. See you in a few months.

    I do as he told me to, packing my bags then heading over to the place he told me to go. I wonder what it is. Knowing him, it could be anything from a dirt hole in the ground with a pillow to a military base. 

    I arrive at the address, but this can't be right. I double check and it is. A pin is needed to enter the gate to the driveway. I enter the password and the gates screech open. As the driver pulls in, I can see the massive house. I mean, it's two stories tall, but thats a lot more compared to my shared cramped apartment. I step out and take my two suitcases out of the car. I pay the driver and he leaves. I stand in the drive way for some time, taking in the scale of the home. I slowly walk up to the door and knock. After a minute, I hear it unlock and open. I see green eyes peer at me from behind the door.

    No. Way.

    "Hey, Eric said you'd be here today. Come in." I enter the open space house that overlooks a cliff off into the sea. I look around in amazement, then remember my company. I look at Timothee, who is just silently snickering at me. "Like what you see?"

    "It's very different from what I was expecting, that's for sure. Why am I here?" I know part of the answer, but I want to know more.

    "Eric thought you might feel safer with someone you know, thats why he set up the gathering last night. So we could meet." He answers. So this must be the big favor I heard Eric asking him for a few days ago. Let me give you a tour." He proposes. I agree, and he shows me around the house. He goes into every room so that I know where everything is and where to find things I might need. The last room we go into is likely my room. 

    It has a large window on the right wall, a full bed with lots of pillows in the center, facing the same wall with the door on it. On each side of the bed there are matching table stands and lamps, as well as extra things like a tissue box. At the foot of the bed is a pair of padded foot stools and a small basket with some toiletries in it. there was a short but long dresser under the window.

    "So this is where you'll be staying. Is it alright?" Timothee says from behind me.

    "Is it alright? If I was staying with anyone else I know they'd have thrown a blanket onto the couch and I'd love it. This is great, thank you." I praise. He laughs at how easily I can be pleased. 

    "I'm glad you like it. I'll let you settle in." I resist the urge to fall onto the bed, it looks so perfectly made that I don't want to ruin it. While I start putting away some of my clothes into the dresser, I get a video call from Roxy and Leah. 

    "Hey (y/n)! We've been trying to text you since last night but you haven't responded, what's going on?"

    "Sorry, I've been pretty busy since Eric left a few hours ago, and-" I was cut of by Roxy.

    "Wait, where are you?" She notices my unfamiliar background.

    "Oh, Eric set this up so I would have somewhere to stay. I'm at one of his friend's house for the next few months."

    "Oooh, is he cute?" Leah goofs around, but pauses indicating she wants an answer. 

    Worried he might be able to hear me, I reply, "Yeah, he's alright," and I can tell the two know what I mean by that. I hope they understand that nothing can happen with him because of his relationship with my brother. Thankfully, they change the subject to Leah's difficult coworkers.

    I leave my bedroom at around 7, starting to get hungry. I walk into the kitchen to see Timothee cooking something that looks like pizza, but I know thats not what it is. "Hey Timothee, watcha making?"

    "Tarte Flambée, a French dish. Its basically a bacon and onion tart." I tie my hair back and wash my hands. 

    "Can I help?" I offer. We spend the next 10 minutes putting it together and pop it in the oven. I set the table. He goes upstairs to do something. After a while, The oven beeps and I take out our dinner. "Timothee! Dinner is ready!" I call out, hoping he'll hear me. He comes down and we eat while making some small talk, but too distracted by how good the food was. We finish our meals at the same time.

    "Thank you, Timothee." I say as he takes both of our plates and puts them into the dishwasher.

    "Timmy." I faintly hear from the kitchen.

    "what?" He turns around to look at me and displays a small, content smile.

    "You can call me Timmy."

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