Chapter 15: Enlightenment

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Timmy's POV:

"Please? You have too!" (y/n) says while we eat breakfast. Her hair is a mess and she's wearing sunglasses inside, and she's insisting that I go spend time with my friends instead of here helping her. She looks helpless right now, but we've been arguing about this all morning and she isn't letting up.

"Do not want me to be here or something?"

"It's not that, it's just that you've helped me so much these last few days and it isn't fair to you. Eric only asked you to give me a place to stay and keep me out of trouble, not help me get over a hangover and get my friends out of being arrested. Please, just have some fun today. I'll be fine." She talks quietly, and I don't blame her. I'm surprised she even got out of bed today.

I think for a second. "Fine, but I want you to call me if you need anything at all. No matter what, okay? I don't like you having to be alone like this."

"I'll be okay, you don't have to worry."

"I won't go until you agree."

"Alright, I'll call you if I need help."

"Thank you." Without even thinking about it, I kiss the top of her head. Why did I do that? She doesn't seem bothered by it and just smiles up at me. "Bye Timmy." She calls me Timmy all the time, but for some reason it gave me butterflies.

I go to the front door and put on my shoes. "Bye, princess." As I get into my car and drive away, I realize what I just said. Why am I being so... lovey... today? Is it because of what she said last night? I knew I liked her, but it's becoming overwhelming now.

I arrive at Blake's house, where Cole and Aiden are already there. We do whatever we can come up with- playing pool, basketball, video games, you name it. Eventually we were all just sitting around the living room talking. They start talking about their girlfriends, and I just tune them out while I think about (y/n). She hasn't texted or called me yet, I really hope everything is okay. "Timothee? Hellooo?" Aiden waves his hand in front of my face, snapping me back into reality.


"We asked if you finally found a girl yet."

Cole answers before I can say anything. "Look at him, of course he has. You don't stare at a cup for that long while smiling and not be thinking about a girl. Who is she?" I can't hide anything from these guys. I do, however, try to keep her identity hidden.

"She's everything." They all stare at me, waiting for me to continue. "I mean, she drives me crazy, but in a good way. I'm always having to help her with something, but when I'm with her there's nothing I'd rather be doing and nowhere I'd rather be. It's just difficult because I like her, and I think she likes me, but right before something can happen there's always an interruption. Yesterday, we were about to kiss and her friend calls and says they need a girl's night. A few hours later I'm saving her from the cops." I stop, realizing I've been rambling and they were all watching me with goofy smiles plastered on their faces. "what?"

"You're totally in love with her." Coles says.

"I like her, but I'm not in love with her."

"No. I've seen you like girls, but this is on a whole other level." Aiden says. I look down to my lap and smile. My phone buzzes, and (y/n)'s name appears on the screen. she hangs up before I can even answer. Is she okay? "Was that her?"

I nod. "She just called me but hung up before I could pick up."

"Butt dial?" Blake says.

"Yeah, probably." I find myself texting her anyway.

Timmy: Hey, is everything okay?

(y/n): Yeah, sorry. I just had a small problem and thought to call you, but it really isn't important and I changed my mind.

Timmy: What's the problem?

(y/n): We're just out of ibuprofen, but it's fine.

Timmy: I'm on my way.

(y/n): No, stay. I'm fine, spend time with your friends.

Timmy: Nope. See you soon

"Sorry guys, I need to go. (y/n) needs help with something." I say, standing up.

"Seriously?" Blake scoffs. "It's obvious that she was the girl you were talking about, but you're being a jerk about it."

I know Blake likes to start fights, but despite this I bite. "How so?"

"We rarely see you now that she's here, you don't care about us anymore. I thought it was bros before hoes." That made anger flare up in me, and Aiden and Cole take notice. I go up to Blake, who stands tall to try to seem intimidating.

"Blake, don't do this."

"Timothee, you know what this is. Just walk away."

I leave as fast as I can, not wanting to look at him even more. I'll ignore if he calls me a jerk, but he went to far with his comments about (y/n).


I arrive back home with (y/n)'s medicine, and I see her lying on the couch with an ice pack on her forehead, eye's closed, and the TV playing quietly in the background. I grab her a drink and put it and the meds on the coffee table in front of her. She opens her eye's when she hears me. I kneel next to her.

"Hey sleepyhead." I tilt my head to the side to match her angle. She squints at me and smiles.

"Thank you so much." She says, noticing that I picked up what she needed.

"Of course, You needed it."

"Not just for that. Thank you for being here. It really means a lot to me." She sits up straight and tucks loose strands of hair behind her ears. My phone goes off, and I see that it's a call from Blake. The last thing I want to do is talk to him right now, especially around (y/n), so I put my phone on silent and hand it to (y/n). "Why?"

"Hide it from me. I want to spend time with you right now." She blushes and looks down into her lap. She hesitantly slips it into her pocket.

"Tell me if you need it." I nod and sit next to her on the couch, the sudden dip making her fall into my shoulder. "Oh, sorry."

"I'm not complaining." Why am I suddenly like this around her?! The guys must have gotten into my head, because I've been thinking about it a lot and now I know the truth. Moments like these make me happiest.

I'm in love with my best friend's sister.

She smiles at me and snuggles back into me while she turns up the volume on the TV. I get another burst of confidence and put my hand on her knee. When I do, she looks up at me and our eyes linger on each other. Just like before, we both slowly lean towards each other and close our eyes. Just like before, a sudden noise stops us. I curse and complain in my mind. (y/n)'s head shoots over to the door, so I'm guessing that it was that someone knocked on it. I get up to answer it.

"Wait!" (y/n) calls out. I look back at her, and there's a terrified look on her face. A fear so intense I've never seen it before. The pounding on the door is louder than before, and a tear rolls down her cheek. "I should have told you. Yes, we were out of medicine, but there was another reason why I called. It's the reason why Eric had me stay here with you."

"(y/n), what's wrong? Who's at the door?"

She takes in a deep breath. "It's Rick."

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