Chapter 7: Just Friends

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(y/n)'s POV

    Over the last week, Lucas has come by almost every day in the late morning. During my lunch break, a coworker comes into the break room saying someone is asking for me. Thinking I messed up an order, I walk out prepared to be yelled at. To my surprise, it's Lucas. 

    "Sorry, is right now your break?" He apologizes.

    "It's alright, I enjoy talking to you." A second later I realize how upfront that was.

    "Good, I was worried I was annoying you."

    "No, not at all." I reassure him.

    "Would you like to have your lunch with me?" he asks. I smile brightly.

    "Yes, I would." We spend the next 15 minutes eating and talking. It was very relaxing, compared to my normal days here. The bell indicating the door was opened rings, and Timmy walks into the cafe. He goes to the counter and asks one of my co-workers something I can't hear. He points at me and Timmy looks over smiling. His smile drops when he sees my company.

    Timmy walks over to the table I'm at. "(y/n)!" He says to get my attention. I don't think he knows I've been watching him since he entered. I get up to hug him.

Timmy's POV

    I came because I wanted to surprise (y/n), but it looks like someone else planned so too. She came up to hug me, and I looked at the man she was with while we did so. He around my age and body weight, but there was something about him that made me feel on edge. As if to confirm my suspicions, he glared at me. When (y/n) released, his expression changed back to a small smile. 

    "Oh, yeah. Timmy, Lucas. Lucas, Timmy." (y/n) introduced us to each other. Lucas gets up as she sits down to shake my hand. 

    "Timmy." He said, slowly. Now that his back was facing (y/n), he was once again glaring at me.

    "You can call me Timothee." My tone contrasts his, sounding happy and pleasant, despite the message. We let go and he goes back to sitting in the chair next to (y/n), but this time puts his arm around her. "I'm going to go." I say. Lucas smirks.

    "What? Why?" She looks genuinely confused.

    "I looks like I came at a bad time. I couldn't stay long anyway, I still have to get back to work."

    "Oh, okay. Bye then." (y/n) smiled at me. I did the same then left. I got back into my car. Why did it hurt so much seeing her with that man?

(y/n)'s POV

    I arrive back home and can't find Timmy. I call him, but he doesn't pick up. I look in the kitchen and I don't see anything going on. I check the driveway again and see his car isn't there.

    Why was he acting so weird when he came by the Coffee House earlier? I hope it wasn't something I did. But just in case, I decide to make one if his favorite dinners, Italian. I prepare Lasagna and pop it in the oven. It was done and ready to be served by 7:30, but he's still not here. I eat some then wait for him to come home.

    9:00 pm. Not home. I pack away the Lasagna so it stays somewhat fresh.

    12:00 pm. not home. I go to bed.

    1:00 am. I hear a car pull into the driveway. I run downstairs and go to the door, which sounded like someone was struggling to open. I unlock it and open to see Timmy half awake, completely drunk. He looked at me angrily. I've had some bad experiences with drunk men before, so I back away and put some space between us. The cold air coming in from the door matches the distant feeling. Timmy shuts the door and takes a few steps toward me, still angry looking. I back away, but he keeps coming until I'm against a wall. He puts both of his hands on either side of my shaking body. When he stops and looks at my reaction with his sharp eyes, they soften. A tear rolls down his cheek. I wipe it and lean in to hug him. I bury my face into his neck and he wraps his arms around my back. 

    "Why would you do this to me?" His voice is shaky. I lean back to look at him but keep my arms around his neck.

    "What are you talking about?"

    "Don't play dumb, (y/n). You've been teasing me for the last month then decide not to tell me you are dating that man." He lets go and pushes me softly. Not enough to hurt but to signal me to let go of him.

    I stay silent for only another moment. "I'm not seeing anyone. He's just a regular customer that invited me that one time to eat with him during my lunch break. And I have not been teasing you. I would never." 

    "That's a lie. You know what you do. But you don't know what it does to me!" He shouts. "The worst part of all of this is that, that you are my best friend's little sister." He stutters. I try to process all of the things he just said. Was it true, or was he just saying it because he's drunk? He heads to his bedroom when I call out.

    "We are just. Friends. Never have been more, and never will be. I can't do that to Eric." He turns around to look at me with hurt in his eyes. "None of this matters anyway, you're drunk. I'll be surprised if you remember how you got home by the morning. Wait, how did you get home?" I frantically question. "Please don't tell me you drove. That's so dangerous!" I go to grab the sides of his arms, then remember what he told me and that I should stop doing things like that. 

    "Relax, I got a cab." 

    "Oh. Good." I pause for a moment. "There is Lasagna in the fridge if you'd like any." 

    "You made me lasagna? That's my favorite."

    "I know."


Timmy's POV

    I wake up with a splitting headache. the blinding sun pushing through my curtains only intensified it. I check the time, 11:00 am. I'm glad it's the weekend. Next to my clock there is a glass of water and medicine for my headache, along with a note. 

    Thought you might need these when you wake up. In case you forgot from last night, there is lasagna in the fridge. --(y/n). 

    She made lasagna? That's one of my favorites! But guessing from her note, I already knew she made it. I really hope I didn't say anything embarrassing last night. I take the medicine and chug all of the water before going downstairs. I see (y/n) reading a book by the pool. I observe her for a minute. She notices me, and I quickly look away, making my head spin. She comes inside and has a small smile. 

    "Hey, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?" I love how she checks in on me.

    "Better than I would be without the headache reliever, thanks." she goes over to the stove and cracks two eggs into a pan.

    "What would you like?" 

    "I'm not sure."

    "How about a bagel with bacon, eggs, and cheese?" 

    "Sounds great." I'm glad to see I didn't do anything that changed our relationship.

Denial (Timothee Chalamet AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora