Chapter 2: The bar

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(y/n) POV

    I look up to see a familiar pair of green eyes. I smile slightly, unable to conceal it because of my intoxication. He is wearing a grey outfit with a peach (hehe) color belt. He smiles down at me, that world stopping smile.

    "I'm glad you took my advice, that dress looks great on you." He compliments. 

    My slightly drunken state has given me more confidence than my sober self would typically allow. "You don't look to bad yourself, mystery man." I reply. Hating myself for calling him that, I come up with an excuse to remove myself from the situation. "I have to get back to my group, they might start worrying."

    "Maybe I will see you around." He says, then continues off to the restroom. I internally squeal, then make my way back to my friends. Eric immediately finds me. 

    "Hey (y/n), where did you go? I want to introduce you to one of my friends, Timothee..." He looks around for a few moments, swinging around. "...who is now missing. Can't you people stay in one place for more than 5 minutes?" He asks himself. I laugh then walk away from him to some off his friends I recognize to catch up with them. After a few minutes, I glance back at my brother, who was talking to the man from earlier. Eric points over at me, taking his eyes off of the man, who smirks slightly while maintaining eye contact. He knows exactly what he's doing. After a few seconds, I have to look away. How can such a small action leave my heart racing like this? I look back over to him, and he is talking with Eric again. Eric says something to him, and his smug expression is wiped of his face with a confused look. He points at me, and I can tell he mouthed my name. Eric nods and starts pulling the man over to me. I look away, pretending that I didn't just see that entire interaction. 

    "(y/n)! This is who I wanted you to meet, Timothee." Wait, this is Timothee? 

    "Hello (y/n), nice to meet you." He sticks out his hand, and I hesitantly shake it. Why is he acting like we've never met? Nevertheless, I play along. 

    "Hi." Is all I manage to say. The club is loud, but the awkward silence overpowers it.

    "Don't say everything at once, guys." Eric jokes, trying to lighten the mood. "How about you guys get to know each other, I need to go talk to some people." Eric leaves, expecting the uncomfortable feeling will solve itself. 

    "So..." Timothee starts, and doesn't continue for a few moments. "...Eric is your brother." He tells me as if I didn't know this detail.

    "Yep, Eric is my brother." I confirm. the awkward atmosphere stays. "I'm going to go." I say and quickly walk to the bar to get another drink. As I wait, a man with blonde hair approaches me. We talk for a while, and I can see Timothee watching us from the corner of my eye. The bartender passes me my drink, but the man makes me close my eyes before I can pick it up. When he says I can open, he had put a simple flower in my hair. I'm not sure why, but the small gesture seemed incredibly sweet to me. I thank him, then go to take a sip of my drink. Right before I bring the glass to my lips, Timothee is behind me and pulling me away.

    "What?" I say, kind of annoyed that he interrupted me. He just keeps his hold on my arm. 

    "I need you to come with me. Right. Now." His stern voice startles me, it was very different from the tone I've heard him use before. I obey, standing and leaving the blonde man. After walking away a few feet, I look back at him. He's scowling. I look back over to Timothee, who is still trying to bring me as far away from the man as possible.

    I stop in my tracks, forcing him to stop as well since he still has a grip on my arm. "What are you doing?" I ask, slightly tugging my arm back. He drops it in response. "What's so urgent that you had to interrupt my conversation with a nice man?" 

    "Nice man? First of all, there is no such thing as a nice man. Especially not in a place like this." He pauses, slight anger fuming from him. 

    "Is there a second point? Or is that all you wanted to say? Because if so I'm just going to go back." He sighs. I begin walking back over. He grabs my hand once again.

    "Don't." He pauses. "He spiked your drink." I blink at him a few times. "Why else would he make you close your eyes? Besides for the stupid excuse of a flower?" He reasons. I look down to the floor, feeling like an idiot. 

    "I'm going home." I can tell he's looking at me, but I refuse to raise my gaze. I walk away, keeping my head low. I don't want to think right now, I just want to get out of here. I try to think of anyone that can take me home. I can tell Timothee is behind me.

    "Let me drive you. Everyone else here is drunk." 

    "You don't know where I live. I'll get a cab." I exit the club.

    "You'd rather tell a stranger your address than someone your brother trusts?" I think about it and sigh, finally looking at him. I really don't care how I get home, but he seems to want to take me. He gives me exaggerated puppy dog eyes, and I roll my eyes. I turn the other way so he can't see my small smile. He leads me to where he parked, and I can tell it's the same black car I saw earlier today. The first few minutes of the ride are silent.

    "Thank you." I whisper. I hate apologizing,so this is the closest thing he's going to get to one. I glance at him and at the same time he glances at me, showing off his small but beautiful smile. 



I flop down onto my bed. Tonight was to weird to think about right now or tomorrow morning. I'm not drunk, just buzzed. I still will have a headache the next day, though. To tired to think for one for minute, I drift into my dream state.

Timothee's POV

    What just happened? I know I thought (y/n) was cute, but the anger that came with seeing her about to sip a drink the man had spiked was unexpected. Either way, she's one of my best friend's sister. Someone I will be spending a lot more time with over the next couple of months. 

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