Chapter 23: Chocolate Cake

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One Month Later (I know, It's jumping forward a lot)

(y/n)'s POV:

    Ring, Ring, Ring!

    My phone goes off while I'm in the kitchen early in the morning. Timmy is still half asleep, and he's waiting for me to finish making the coffee. I finish up and grab my phone while it brews.        "(y/n)?" Leah confirms.

    "Yeah, what's up? Is everything alright?"

    Her voice is full of concern and fear. "Yeah, yeah." She pauses. "No, not at all. I'm freaking out. Can I come over? Is Timothee there?"

    "He is, but he leaves for work soon. I'm off work today so that's fine." Timmy gives me a questioning look.

    "Ok, good." And she hangs up without saying another word.

    "Bye, I guess." I say to no one in particular.

    "Who was that?" Timmy asks in an accusing tone. "Why does it matter if I'm here or not today?"

    I rub the sides of his arms. "That was just Leah. She's acting weird but hasn't said why yet." I see him visibly relax, tension leaving him as he sighs of relief.

    "Oh, ok. Well, I need to go to work. Bye, love." He gives me a kiss on the cheek.

    Around 20 minutes later, Leah arrives at our house. She looks frazzled and overwhelmed. "Hey-" I barely say before she walks right past me and sits in the living room. "Well come on in." I talk to myself for the second time today. She stares past everything in the room, only focusing on the wall. "Leah, please. Tell me what's going on, you're not acting like yourself right now."

    "I think I'm pregnant." She blurts out. My eye's widen, unable to believe what I'm hearing.

    "And it.. is.. Eric's, right?" I ask, just wanting to be sure.

    "If I actually am, then of course."

    "Uh, wow." I start, not quite sure what to say. "Why do you think your pregnant?"

    "I'm late, and I'm getting the weirdest cravings. Things that I would have never thought of before."

    "Really? Like what?"

    "Last night, I ate an entire jar of pickles for dinner. Nothing else." I try to hold in a laugh, but she seems to notice anyway. "(y/n)! This isn't funny! This is horrible! Or amazing! Ugh, I don't know what to do."

    "I think I might have an idea. How about we go pick up some pregnancy tests? That way you know for sure." 

    "Yeah, yeah. Okay, let's do that." She picks up her purse, and we leave immediately. After a very quiet car ride, we arrive at the store. She goes over to the health section and we agree to meet up at the self checkout, even though she doesn't know what I'm doing. I randomly decided to grab a chocolate cake. No matter what happens, chocolate cake is always a good idea. We meet up right where we planned. "Seriously?"

    "Hey, no matter what the test says, cake is awesome at easing the situation." She smiles slightly and shakes her head. After a painfully long drive back because of the sweet smell in the car, we arrive at my and Timmy's home again. She immediately runs to the bathroom, and I spend the extra time preparing the cake so it looks a little bit nicer. After around 15 minutes, she comes back out. "So?"

    "I haven't looked yet. I took two tests, but I'm too scared. (y/n) what if I have to raise a kid? I'm not ready for that! But I know I'll feel disappointed if I'm not pregnant. I don't know what to do!" She starts to freak out again.

    "Leah, stop for a moment. Just close you eyes, and remember that you have so many people here for you. Remember that things have a way of working themselves out. Remember that whatever happens we get to eat cake." She laughs, and I'm surprised at myself. Typically it's me in hysterics and Leah or Roxy trying to calm me, not the other way around.

    "Okay, I'm ready." She gets out both tests and holds them facing the other way. "One, two, three." She flips them both over, and we become speechless. Both are positive. "I'm pregnant."

    "You're pregnant." I say, surprised. Maybe not as shocked as Leah, but still shocked.

    "I think I'll have that chocolate cake now."

    "Me too."


    By the time things calm down, hours had passed and we had spent the whole day talking about what would happen. She's keeping the baby, she's going to tell Eric within the next few days, and it stays just between the two of us until she tells people. I totally understand, it's not my business to share anyways. I'm just wondering what I'm going to tell Timmy though, since he at least knows that something is up.

    "Thank you so much, (y/n). For everything."

    "Don't worry, I'm happy to help. This is all so exciting, I'm going to be an aunt! You're going to be a mom! Eric is going to be a dad. How do you plan on telling him?"

    "I threw away one of the tests, but I'm keeping the other and I'm going to show it to him soon. No later than the day he says that I'm getting suspiciously fat." She jokes.

    "If he says the words 'suspiciously fat,' I know that I'm going to have to punch him." 

    After a little bit more time, she's left and Timmy arrives home. "Hey girlie. Have fun on you're day off?"

    "Leah brought a lot of chaos, but I'm not sure I would call it fun." I slip accidentally.

    "Oh yeah, what was all that about?" I mentally face palm, realizing that I've already almost given away her secret. This is going to be tough.

    "Um, she uh, got into a little fight with Eric. I talked to her about it though, and she's cleared everything up so it's all good now."

    "That's good to hear, I'm glad they could work through it." He rubs his nose against mine. "I need to go take a shower." He gives me a suggestive look.

    "Ugh!" I push him away. He smiles as he steps back. "I need to start dinner." I roll my eyes at him and he leaves to his bedroom.

Timmy's POV:

    That girl is too perfect. The more I think about her the more I fall. I smile to myself thinking about her. I grab out some fresh clothes from my dresser and head to the bathroom. When I step in, I notice something bright pink sticking out in the trash can. I'm not being nosey, just curious. I lose all feeling in my face when I realize that it's a pregnancy test. That's positive. (y/n)'s pregnant. (y/n)'s pregnant. (y/n)'s pregnant. I say it a million times in my mind, unable to wrap my head around it. Then I can't help but smile uncontrollably. I'm going to be a dad. I'm going to be a dad. I'm going to be a dad!

Denial (Timothee Chalamet AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu