Chapter 19: Broken

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(y/n)'s POV:

    After we finish dinner and clean up, I tell Eric I'm gong to put away my stuff. Once I'm in my bedroom, I call Timmy. After only a second he picks up.

    "Hey (y/n)."

    "Hey Timmy. I just wanted to check in."

    "Everything's fine."

    "Just fine?"

    "You're not here."

    His words make my heart flutter. "Trust me, I wish I was."

    "Is everything alright?" He asks, clearly worried.

    "I did something. I wanted to get an idea of what he would say if he found out about us, so I told him I have a crush on you."

    "Ooo, a crush? I'm flattered." I laugh at his silliness.

    "Anyway, he didn't take it well. He didn't get mad, but I now know for sure he would be if I'd said that we were together."

    There's silence for a while. "Do you know why?"


    "I really like you, (y/n). I'm going to change his mind."

    "I really like you too, but how?"

    "How about we all go out together? I know this fair thats not too far from either of us."

    "That sounds great!"

    "Great. We can discuss the details later. Bye, princess."

    His nickname for me makes my heart flutter. "Goodnight Timmy." My voice gives away the fact that I'm grinning from ear to ear. 


    The day that we all go to the fair was finally rolling around. Eric and I meet up with Timmy there, and after we buy tickets, we immediately start our activities. The whole time, Timmy is both very kind and very careful around me. I think he's trying to show Eric how well we get along. At one point, we stop for lunch at one of the many vendors. Timmy grabs the food while Eric and I struggle to find  a table. Once we do, Timmy comes over with our meals. He passes them around until everyone has what we wanted, and there was an extra ice cream Sunday that was unclaimed.

    "Who's is that?" I ask.

    "Yours. I saw you eyeing it while we were ordering, and I thought I'd get it for you." Timmy says.

    "Aww, thank you so much." Eric glares at Timmy, but I'm not entirely sure why. He did something nice for me so how is Eric managing to get upset about it?

    We all eat, and after a while I finish up my Sunday with a few scoops stolen from Timmy. "You've got a little-" He points to his nose, and I tilt my head slightly to showy confusion. "Here." He wipes my nose with a napkin and I realize that I had some ice cream on my nose. 

    Eric sighs and puts down his drink. "I'm going to go get churros. Want any?" He offers un an unfriendly tone. Timmy and I both decline, saying we're too full. He leaves to get them, and Timmy and give each other questioning looks as he turns the corner.

    "That was weird." Timmy says.

    "Yeah. It looked like he only acted that way when we... even just interacted."

    Timmy holds my hand above the table. "Don't worry. You're his sister, he can't hate you over something like this."

    "But he can hate you." I mumble. Timmy looks at me with sad eyes. "You guys are best friends, and I know way to many friendships ruined by girls and I don't want to be another one. Especially because he's my brother, and-" Timmy cuts me off by connecting his lips to mine. 

    He pulls away after a few seconds, leaving me speechless. "Relax. I know things are messy right now, but soon everything will be fine. Okay?"

    I nod, but then hear some shouting. I look over and see Eric. Running toward us. Clearly angry. Uh oh. Timmy looks at me with wide eyes. "What are the chances that he saw us just now?"

    "I'd say pretty high."

    "And our chances to get away alive?"

    "Well, yours are high." Timmy gives a terrified smile, fearing his life at this point.

    Eric comes over and glares at Timmy. Only Timmy. He doesn't even bother looking in my direction. Timmy stands up so he's the same hight as Eric. "How. Dare. You." Is all Eric says at first. "First, you invite us out here with you, and rarely pay any attention to me. You just kept hitting on my sister! Then this? Do you have no self control?"

    It looks like Eric doesn't know what actually happened. I need to tell him anyway, it can't go on like this. I stand up. "Eric, no. It wasn't-" 

    "Shut up!" Eric snaps at me. A few heads turn in our direction. "You don't get a say in this. It's obvious who you'd side with. Even though I'm your brother."

    "I definitely get a say in this, much more than you do." I start to get angry back, while Timmy remains silent.

    "No, you don't. You don't understand what's happening right now. The men are talking." This ignites something in me, same way that it did so long ago at the bowling alley. 

    "I understand it way more than you. I knew I liked him and had the hopes that my brother wouldn't get upset that his best friend and his sister are together. That he would be happy for me. I would be."

    "What do you mean?" 

    "It's obvious you have a thing for Leah. What if one day you finally decided to do something about it, and my reaction was yours right now?"

    "There is a huge difference."

    "Oh yeah? And what would that be?" I cross my arms, wondering if I should just leave right now.

    "He can't protect you!" He shouts again, and at this point all eyes are on us. "I leave for two months. You get into a car accident, go into a coma, nearly get arrested, and get hurt again by Rick!" Timmy and I stare at him in shock, not understanding how he knew all of that. "I made sure that the police would tell me everything going on that involved you. Timothee is my best friend, but I don't trust him with your safety."

    Timmy looks down, then leaves without saying another word. Eric looks unaffected, not realizing how much he hurt Timmy. "I can't believe you." 

    I chase after Timmy, and barely make it into the parking lot as I see him getting into his car. I call out to him, and he looks at me for a split second before pretending that he didn't hear me. He drives away before I can get to him. Right then, right there, in the parking lot, I break down crying. A few minutes ago, I had a brother and a boyfriend. Now I have neither.

Timmy's POV:

    I watch as (y/n) sits in the parking lot, sobbing. I hate it. I hate watching her cry, I hate that I can't turn around and help her, I hated her brother's reaction to us, but worst of all I hate that he was right. (y/n) lived a peaceful life. Uneventful, but peaceful. She was safe before she knew me, and now all my guilt that I have tried to shove down is coming up all at once. She almost died multiple times when she was with me, I can't be trusted with her. So today, I did the hardest thing I've ever had to do. 

    Walk away from her. The girl I love that has done nothing wrong. 

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