Chapter 22: Bliss

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A/n: So fluffy!!

(y/n)'s POV:

    It's been a month since Eric knew Timmy and I were dating, but it only feels like days. Things have been so great lately and time flies by when I'm with him. I haven't hung out with Leah and Roxy as much, but Leah is typically busy with Eric and Roxy is very well known and always has something to do. I get home from work and Timmy greets me at the door. I moved into his place about two weeks ago, and it's been amazing. It's just like when I lived here before, except now it's on our terms and not my brother's. We've had a few small conflicts, but we always came to an agreement. 

    "Good afternoon, M'lady." He says while taking my purse and resting it on a chair. 

    "Good afternoon, my gentlemen." I reply the same way I did on the night we first kissed. "What's got you so happy?"

    "Nothing too special, just that Eric and Leah asked if we'd like to go on a double date with them. Is that something you'd be interested in?"

    I think it would be kind of awkward to go on a double date with my brother, but Timmy seems to really want to do it. "Sure, that sounds like it would be nice." I say with a smiling face. 

    "Great! We're planning on it being tomorrow night around 6, and it's not anything fancy. It'll probably just be dinner and a movie."

    "That sounds fun!" He smiles at me, then goes into his home workout room. I run upstairs to plan an outfit for tomorrow.


    The night arrives that we go on the double date, and I'm a little nervous. I'm not sure why, I've been on dates and its just with my brother, boyfriend, and best friend, but I still feel unsettled. I just wear some casual clothes and Timmy does too, with some light grey sweatpants. We leave and meet Eric and Leah at the movie. I try to sit next to Timmy in the theater, but Eric sits in his spot making us sit me next to Eric next to Leah next to Timmy. 

    "Come on, why can't you and Timmy swap seats?" I complain.

    "Because I don't want you to sit next to him!"

    "He's my boyfriend that I live with! Some nights we sleep next to each other!" Eric and I argue for a while until Timmy interjects and convinces him to let us sit next to each other. I understand that Eric is my brother and he isn't used to it, but it's a part of life now. 

    The movie drags on, as Leah had picked it. I think it's a rom-com, but I can't really tell because it's not that funny, just sad. I poke Timmy. "What kind of rom-com is this?"

    "It's not a rom-com, its a romance/drama. Have you never heard of Little Women before?" Oh yeah, I remember hearing about the book a while back but I never read it. Eventually the movie ends, and we all decide to go out for Greek for dinner.

    We all meet up at the restaurant, and order our meals. Timmy and I sit across from Eric and Leah. Timmy keeps stroking patterns into my thigh, and it sends shivers through me. Nevertheless, I refused to even look at Timmy in fear of giving it away to my brother. After about 20 minutes, we've eaten and are packing up leftovers.

    "Please excuse me, I need to use the restroom. (y/n)?" Leah asks as she stands up. She's using girl code for 'I need to talk to you privately, please come with me.' I stand up and follow her to the bathroom.

    "What's up?"

    "I need to tell you something, but you need to promise not to talk to anyone about it. Not even Roxy." She pleads.

    "Ooo, a secret." I goof.

    "Not really, it's just that it's very private yet I still think you should know." She says seriously.

    "Leah, you're scaring me. What happened?"

    She takes in a deep breath. "Eric and I did it last night."

    I furrow my brows in confusion. "Did what?" She stays silent and gives me a moment to think. "Oh!"

    "Yeah." I stay quiet. "(y/n)?"

    "Sorry, I'm just surprised. I never thought I'd be in a position like this, with my best friend talking about my brother like this." She gives me another minute to process. "So, are you happy?" We've had conversations like this before, but I feel like I'm walking around on eggshells now that it's my brother.

    "Yeah, things are great and we're great. It's just that, we forgot protection."

    "Leah! First, even that is a little to much for me to handle right now. Second, are you serious? This could be bad!" He rolls her eyes and sighs in annoyance. "Or good! I just- ahh!" I groan out of frustration. "I'm sorry, this is just a lot."

    "I know. I'm sorry." 

    "It's alright. Just give me a second to relax before we go back out." She nods, and after a moment we leave. 


    I kick off my shoes at the door and go put my stuff in my room. Timmy and I do live together, but we still have separate rooms even though we sometimes fall asleep together. After I get comfy again, I come back downstairs to see Timmy still in those grey sweatpants, but now also shirtless. I suppress a smile and force myself not to stare. 

    I sit on the bar stool and watch as he puts away our leftovers. "You just gonna watch, or do ya want to help?" 

    I respond without thinking. "No, I really like watching you." He smirks and turns around.

    "Do you now?" He starts to walk over to me and I realize what I just said. Since I can't take back my words, I continue as if it were intentional. 

    "Trust me, you would too if our roles were reversed." I stand up, face to face with him. But considering our height difference, it's more like face to chest. 

    "They don't need to be, I already like looking at you." He speak quietly, and his hand strokes down my back, casting a spell on me. He gives me a soft kiss as he holds my waist, and I grasp his shoulders. Suddenly, it's like a switch is flipped and his kisses become more greedy and passionate. He slides his hands past my bum and lifts me up, and we never break apart. He throws me onto his bed and leans down to kiss my neck. "(y/n)?"

    "Mmm?" I respond, not entirely listening.

    "You know I love you, right?"

    "Of course."

    "I want to show you just how much I love you." He pauses and leans up slightly. "If you'll let me."

    I smile, in complete bliss. "Yes." I accept quietly, afraid that too loud of a sound might break the spell I'm under.

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