He did, taking a small sandwich and a plate from the tray. "Thank you, and you are right. I am not here for a social call." He swallowed a bite. "I want to determine if Murdoch's trip to secure your family resulted in anything going wrong."

"But you will not call me up in front of the inquiry?" I had sent a telegram to his offices earlier in the week, offering to testify to the character of the officers if it was needed, but I had been declined.

"I will not call up any woman, I would not want to place such a hardship on those delicate women who survived the tragedy. I will attach your statement to the final report as an affidavit that was taken, perhaps read it off during the session tomorrow." His voice was hoarse, and he gulped down a swallow of lemonade.

Suddenly the cheese sandwich in my hand smelled rotten. I put the sandwich back onto a plate and set it down. "I would gladly take the stand to give my testimony. The fact that you would come here and expect me to answer your questions so that you can use them in the inquiry but not allow me to speak at it is unacceptable."

"Please Miss Dalian, be reasonable. I understand you have been through much and I have only a few questions. My aide, Ryan, will write it as we speak, and all you have to do is sign it to attest that it is accurate."

"Then ask them, and I will answer but do not expect more than that." I poured a glass of lemonade and settled back into my chair, mentally preparing myself for an untold amount of questions about minutia.

"How long did Mr. Murdoch spend alerting your family?"

"No more than a few minutes, most of which was spent by him pulling our life belts out for us."

"You did not offer him anything, money or a promise of payment?"


"Your parents?"

"No." I couldn't help the harshness that leached into my voice. "We barely spoke to him, he was extremely concerned about informing us and returning to the boats as soon as he could."

Smith nodded, rubbing his temple as he looked at me."After getting your life belts out and alerting you what did he do?"

"He went back up to the boat deck to begin the evacuation."

Ryan scribbled quickly at the table, the stilling of his pen a notice to continue. "You had no further contact with him until you brought forward the women and children for his last boat?"

"No, I ran to alert the staff we were traveling with and to retrieve my mothers jewels from the purser."

"Did you tell those you came across to prepare themselves?"

"Yes, and to proceed to the lounge as Mr. Murdoch instructed."

"Had you heard anything about the order for women and children?"

"At that time, no. Once I had my mother's jewels I returned to the lounge where I found my parents. We were then called up on deck and told to go into the boats and that it would be women and children first."

"Was that the exact wording?"

"That I heard. I know the wording has been given as women and children only too." That had come out during the inquiry, a vague order from Captain Smith that was interpreted differently on either side of the ship.

"Did you see the number one boat loaded and launched?"

"Launched yes, loaded no." It had been hard to see anything beyond the crush of people on the deck, the ocean beyond the only thing that was clear.

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now