Chapter 10

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Things were going quite fast unexpectedly. There were nonstop exchanges of chats day and night. Though both were busy with their schedule, still they found time to text which made the other smile like crazy. And this did not go unnoticed by both parties. The brothers of Ilhoon could feel the change in the midst of their comeback and various performances. And on the other side as well Hye-Ri and Bon-Hwa could sense the difference in Eva, though they were happy how Eva had become cheerful. Meanwhile, both Ilhoon and Eva were unaware of what was happening in the surroundings and were busy in their own world. Though both of them had not confessed anything to the other.

Eva was back in the office after her injury was healed. She was working when her phone rang. And the way her lips curved, one can guess whom the text was from.

Ilhoon: So what are you doing this Friday?

Eva's heart stopped for a beat. Is Ilhoon asking for a date? Really?

Eva: Umm... Nothing just as usual...

Ilhoon: Okay. Be free, I want to show you something. I will pick you up at 5.

Eva was super excited but nervous as hell. She was confused about what was happening to her, this feeling.

Finally, FRIDAY came. Only they both know how long it felt.

Eva was frantically searching for what to wear in the morning. She had to go to work too so she couldn't dress unprofessionally. Eventually, she decided on a dress that felt cute and headed to work, but a huge pile of tasks was waiting for her.

It was 5:20 PM and Ilhoon was waiting in his car near her office. Seeing no sign of her outside, he called.

There was some muffled noise that made Ilhoon laugh. In this short span of time Ilhoon had made out that Eva is one heck of a clumsy girl and he is often used to this type of greeting on phone.

Eva was so busy with work that she didn't realize she was late. On seeing Ilhoon's call, she hurried with no time to check herself.

Ilhoon saw a small girl with a disheveled look carrying an overload of things rushing towards him. She surely attracted the looks of people but to him, she was just cute. On recognizing the car, a blushed smile spread on her face that made him blush and smile too.

But as soon as She opened the gate and sat in the opposite seat panting, Ilhoon put on a poker face.

Ilhoon with his ever so attitude voice "You are late".

Eva, panting and also feeling already guilty, replied sweetly" I am so sorry. I didn't mean to.. I lost track of time...".

Eva's distressed face made him angry over himself for always teasing people. He caught hold of Eva's hand "Hey. It's okay. I was joking. Take this water and calm down."

Eva smiled and calmed herself and they headed to wherever Ilhoon had planned her to take.

"So where are we going?"

"You will see when we reach..."

"Just hope we don't miss it," Ilhoon muttered to himself.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, Just brace yourself. I am going to speed up."

Ilhoon parked the car on top of a small hill where they could see the whole city.

But what was in front was magical. A beautiful orange-red color was spread across the sky with the sun setting.

"Just in time." Ilhoon happily said as they finally made it, which seemed a little difficult a few minutes before.

Eva was amazed. She ran to the boundary to take in the view. Ilhoon followed.

A breeze was blowing that made it more magical.

Eva turned to Ilhoon thanking him," This is so beautiful."

"I know you are stuck in your home and office and have not got a chance to roam around. So I thought I would bring you here for a breath of fresh air."

"Thank You so much" Eva replied with glittering eyes.

Eva and Ilhoon were drinking coffee and munching on snacks that were also prepared by Ilhoon.

Ilhoon " Let me take a photo of you. It's a nice background."

"Ok. Click Nicely. Mind you it is tough for this photographer-nim to like a photo." Eva teasingly said.

Ilhoon was concentrating hard. Then suddenly he came towards her and tucked a hair strand behind her ear. Eva had turned red, while Ilhoon was busy taking a good photo.

" See this... It's perfect. Don't underestimate me Miss." Ilhoon said winking.

I don't. Eva said to herself.

"Hmm... Not bad Mister. But I accept it. "replied Eva.

As they were looking at the photos, Ilhoon's phone rang. After answering it, he came back with a sad face. " We will have to return. I have got some work ."

Eva replied "Oh, it's okay. Let's go then."

The ride back was rather silent. It was evident that Ilhoon was not happy that this date ended early.

Eva tried to make a conversation to break this silence. She opened her mouth 2-3 times then shut it out declining the things she was going to speak.

Ilhoon caught hold of her the third time and asked "What is it?"

Eva, surprised, blurted out " I like your tattoo!"

Ilhoon started laughing, "What? Why All of a sudden this thought Ms. Eva" added Ilhoon with a wink.

Wow, Eva! Seriously this is the first thing that you could think of to break the silence.

What should I say?

Ilhoon continued, looking at her going blush and wanting to tease her,  "Which one by the way?"

He showed his arm tattoos asking "This one ?" and then he opened the 3rd button of his shirt and slightly moved the fabric to give a peek of his chest tattoo "Or this one?"

Eva was now blushing really hard and was now more confused as to what to say now.

"Umm. Actually, I want to get one myself so.."

"Oh is it. I will take you where I have gotten these." smiled Ilhoon.

"But the process is painful. Will you be able to handle it?"

This made Eva angry now and proudly she stated "Ilhoon-shi I can very well take the pain and I am not afraid of it. And I WILL get a tattoo."

"Ok. Then I dare you to do it."

"What is there to dare. I was going to do it anyhow," replied Eva fuming.

Ilhoon surely was enjoying and teasing her but fearing not to trouble her more, he patted her head saying  "Ok Lioness. I get it."

It calmed her down instantly and she gazed at Ilhoon, lost, just watching him drive.

"Eva. We have reached." Ilhoon woke her from her trance.

"Huh. Oh Yes..."

Before heading out of the car, she thanked Ilhoon.

"Did you like it?" Ilhoon questioned.

"Yes, I did." Eva blushingly said, both understanding what it really meant.

Many thoughts were rushing into Eva's mind and many butterflies were fluttering in her stomach.

Who would have thought that I would start liking this guy that had made me cry? WHAT?! Did I just say that I like him? 

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