•Chapter 18: Taking Them Out!•

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Michael and Vanessa ran through the location screaming, never did they think he could have been under here this whole time!
Michael felt Henry's sacrifice go in vain because of this, he then looked at what he grabbed and smiled that it was the lighter,"What's the plan???", "You'll see!", Michael and Vanessa skid to a stop by an elevator, Michael then opened old near by gas tanks and poured them out but put one in the elevator,"What are you doing??", "Slowing him down.", he lit the lighter after a few clicks and lit up the room in a blaze.
Michael and Vanessa hit the elevator button and they went up as soon as William appeared.
. . .


"Okay, plan?", "We have, destroy any animatronic that has attacked someone.", Vanessa nods, "Okay. We got a tazer and an axe.", "Fry their systems out.", the elevator came to a stop and so we got out ready to fight some robots.


People ran through the Utility Tunnels, Sun was the guide and Moon made sure they wouldn't be followed.
"GO, GO, GO!"
Soon everyone came to the loading bay, Sun opened the garage and sunlight poured in,"Quick!", many people and kids ran out, Sun and Moon made sure everyone got out.
"Gregory, you have to go with them."
Gregory looked up at Freddy,"What? No! I wanna stay with you, Freddy! What about Michael and Vanessa!?", Freddy knelt down,"We will find them, but you have to get to safety. You've been through enough tonight.", "No, I want to help!", Freddy sighed, Gregory looked at him,"Yeah, we've been through so much which is why I don't want that to go to waste, I don't want to lose you Freddy, you're the first person/thing that ever cared about me! Please, let me help!", Freddy looked outside, then at Gregory.
. . .
"Fine, but you stay in the stomach hatch.", "Deal!"


Michael and Vanessa were in shock to say the least.
They walked by so many bodies, so much blood and the place was in ruins.
. . .
Michael recalled his time at Sister Location, remembering how Baby had walk through Funtime Gallery, recalling himself panicking and wrapped in fear as he felt he was walking on something he didn't wanna know.
. . .
Soon they saw Roxy, her eyes were completely purpled and white, she ripped the arm off a now dead employer, Vanessa covered her mouth to stuffle her gag of disgust.
Roxy then snapped her head at us, Michael positioned the axe ready to destroy and Vanessa got her tazer ready.
"Sorry Roxanne."
Roxy screeched and ran at them, Vanessa shoot her tazer and shot her tazer and Roxy was stunned giving Michael time to swing his axe and he made sure she wouldn't get up, smashed her head, legs and arms off, basically destroyed her to point of now getting up.
Vanessa nods,"Let's continue.", Michael nods, walking away from Roxy's now disabled body.
. . .
Vanessa and Michael darted towards the yelling hearing more shouting fir help as they ran to The main area.


There they saw Monty and Chica trying to get pass the barriers many people set up and were stuck up in the balcony area.
Monty and Chica turned their attention to them, Michael and Vanessa raised their weapons.
"Let's dance."


Vanessa ducked each time Monty tired to throw a chair at her or a table, she kept firing her tazer at him and the more she did the more people cheered her and Michael on.
Soon she hit Monty and fired his wires,"DIE GATOR!!", "FUCK!", Vanessa turned and saw Michael had gotten tackled by a bot and now giving Chica the supper hand, she dropped her tazer and ran over,"MICHAEL!", she picked up the axe and hit the bot off him but was not quick enough to stop Chica from biting Michael in the arm,"GAH!!!", "GET OTF HIM YOU STUPID DUCK!!", Vanessa made quick work of Chica, cutting off her head.
Michael sighed with relief, he shoved Chica's body off and stood up,"Thanks. . .!", "No worries. Call it even?", "Yeah-WATCH OUT!", they turned and saw Monty jump at them, "NO!"
Freddy had appeared, he made quick work of Monty,"Sorry Monty. . . I really am. . .", "VANESSA AND MICHAEL!", Gregory came out, Vanessa hugged him immediately,"Oh thank God!", Michael sighed with relief, Freddy looked up at the people who were cheering for Michael and Vanessa.
"Not. So. Fast."
The room fell silent, they all turned to the main stage and saw the one thing behind it all.
. . .
"William Afton."

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