•Chapter 16: The Horrible Truth.•

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Vanessa coughed as she smelt smoke, dirt and whatever else.
Vanessa opened her eyes and found herself in an unknown place that looked like it had been abandoned for years and burned, she pulled herself up and realised how bad she looked in a small puddle.
She was covered in muck, dirt, stones and ashes, her uniform was soaked, completely ruined and her hair was a complete mess in itself, and all the injuries. . .
"My God. . . Mike. . . Michael!", she remembered Michael fell with her, she immediately looked around and saw him, she crawled over to him,"Oh my God. . .!", she turned Michael over and sees him in the same state, but he must have hit his head on the near by rocks that had blood, that seemed fresh as his head had been split open.
"Michael!. . . Michael wake up!. . ."
Michael opened his eyes, jumping from the voice only to see Vanessa and him in a dark place.
"Wh. . . What happened?", "We got pushed. . .! Vanny, that bunny must have put that tracker there to trick us. We may have feel down. . . The garbage shot.", Michael looked around them, Vanessa did the same,"My God. . .", Michael felt his heart drop, the memories of this place and then. . . He realised.
. . .
"I failed. . ."
Vanessa turned to him,"Huh?", "I failed to stop him. . .", Vanessa helped Michael up, not sure if the head injury was making him say random stuff.
"What are you talking about, Mike?"
Vanessa noticed Michael had tears tears in his eyes, she sat him down on what seemed, what use to be a roof,"Okay, Michael. Listen, Tell me what's going on, you were so willing to help us so far with this mess and the virus, but you're information back that we need to know.", Michael looked up with tears in his eyes, he knew she had to know and she suffered too much this night to just never got an answer.
". . . The Fazber Killer. . .", Vanessa frowned, Michael inhaled as he tired to hold back his tears and sobs,"My dad he. . . He was the Fazbear Killer. . .", Vanessa was shocked, she didn't hide it and let Michael continue,"He. . . He lured kids into the backroom with the fucking, yellow bunny suit. . . Killed his best friend's daughter. . . The only reason he had me and my siblings was to use us for his stupid experiments!. . .", Vanessa flinched, Michael buried his face in his hands,"My dad killed kids. . . Stuffed their bodies into the suits of the old robots. . . He-", Michael wiped a tear, Vanessa sat next to him and pulled him into a soft hug,". . . Why?. . .", "He. . . He always talked about, this immortality thing. . . He said he wanted that and these robots to be like humans. . . In his head,'Hey, kids have amazing and annoying personalities, why not kill them and their souls can possess the bots!', fucking. . .", Michael covered his eyes, tears falling down his face and all Vanessa could do was to listen,"He. . . He killed. . . Kids. . . And I had to go through hell and back because I wanted-No, I had to stop him. . .! But-. . . *hic*. . . I died trying to save those kids souls. . . Twice. . .", Vanessa was shocked, so. . .
"That means. . ."
"The disc on my neck is an illusion disk, if it turns off I look like purple rotting Corpse that can walk and talk.", Vanessa felt so bad, both Gregory and Michael were people just trying to survive and help her with her job.
Vanessa hugged Michael, he just hugged back finally let it all out,"There, there. . . It's alright. . . Just let it out. . .", Michael took deep breaths, trying to stop crying and control himself,"I can't imagine what you had to go through, Michael. . . Maybe you are destined to stop your father, but not alone. . .", Michael looked at Vanessa, despite what they had gone through she was being so calm and understanding,"After this whole night, I've come to be more, rational and calmer, and after this whole night. You and I might as well be friends.", Michael smiled and hugged her,"Thank you. . . I'm so sorry. . . But Thank you. . .", Vanessa smiled and hugged back,"You and Gregory really changed me huh.", Michael chuckled and wiped his tears and let Vanessa go.
. . .
They both jumped, looking up and hearing all types of screams,"What the. . .", "Why are. . .", Vanessa realised, she checked her watch and she looked at Michael with pale face of terror,"This was supposed to be when the show starts.", a moment of realisation hit them both.
"Oh no-"


Gregory covered his ears, hearing all types of screams above them,"F-Freddy, what's happening up there.", "I'll check the cameras.", Freddy checked the cameras and he immediately regretted.
He watched in horror as his friends were attacking and killing adults and kids, Chica was eating someone's face!
Freddy immediately connected himself to the Daycare,"Sun! Sun, can you hear me?!", "Freddy! Hello friend, what's going on-?", "No, time! Sun I need you and Moon to go around the Plex and take the injured, kids and adults to the Daycare immediately!", "Injured? Whatever do you-?", he must have opened the door cause Freddy heard blood curdling screaming, then a door closed.
. . .
"Right away, Boss."
With that Sun signed off, leaving Freddy and Gregory on their own again.
"What was that.", their heads darted down the hall in front of them, Freddy grabbed a drill and turned to Gregory,"Get in the cylinder.", Gregory nods and does so, Freddy turned to the hall and aimed the drill at the dark hallway,"Whoever is there. Show yourself and no one will be hurt.", silence rang out.
. . .
"Aw. . . Is that how you greet an old pal, SuperStar. . ."

Freddy froze, coming of the shadows limbed a slightly taller robot that looked like he had crawled out of hell and the dump.
. . .
"Bonnie. . .!?"

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